International Fisheries Stock Assessment Review Workshop 2014


MARAM/IWS/DEC14/General/1. Schedule. Updated Thursday 4 December 2014 at 5:30pm
MARAM/IWS/DEC14/General/2. Announcement
MARAM/IWS/DEC14/General/3. Document list (Final)
MARAM/IWS/DEC14/General/4. Panel Report (Final)
MARAM/IWS/DEC14/General/5. Presentation of the Panel Report.


Primary papers
MARAM/IWS/DEC14/Hake/P1. An outline of the primary objective for hake discussions during the 2014 International Stock Assessment Review Workshop.
MARAM/IWS/DEC14/Hake/P2. Specifications of the South African hake 2014 reference case assessment.
MARAM/IWS/DEC14/Hake/P3. An initial attempt at a spatially structured stock assessment for the South African hake resource including explicit movement. Document MARAM/IWS/DEC13/Hake/P9 (2013).
MARAM/IWS/DEC14/Hake/P4. Kirchner, C., Kaigne, P. and Kathena, J. 2012. Evaluation of the status of the Namibian hake resource (Merluccius spp.) using statistical catch-at-age analysis.
MARAM/IWS/DEC14/Hake/P5. An initial attempt at a spatially structured stock assessment for the South African hake resource including movement based on a gravity model (2014).
MARAM/IWS/DEC14/Hake/P6. Extensions of Ecofish stock structure hypotheses for Merluccius paradoxus, and a comment on the relative plausibility for P1, P2a and P2b.
MARAM/IWS/DEC14/Hake/P8. Modelling cannibalism and inter-species predation for Cape hake Merluccius capensis and M. paradoxus: an update to MARAM IWS/DEC13/ECOFISH/P10.
MARAM/IWS/DEC14/Hake/P9. Report on the Benguela Current Commission - ECOFISH WP1-WP2 Hake Biology workshop. 12-13 November 2014.
MARAM/IWS/DEC14/Hake/P10. First cut at broad model specifications for the development of transboundary hake stock assessments
GeoPOP papers and panel report from 2013
MARAM IWS/DEC13/Ecofish/P6. Distribution and migration of shallow-water hake (Merluccius capensis) in the Benguela Current Large Marine Ecosystem examined with a geostatistical population model - a preview.
MARAM IWS/DEC13/Ecofish/P7. Distribution and migration of deep-water hake (Merluccius paradoxus) in the Benguela Current Large Marine Ecosystem examined with a geostatistical population model - a preview.
MARAM IWS/DEC13/Ecofish/BG2. Kristensen, K., Thygesen, U. H., Andersen, K. H and Beyer, J. E. 2013. Estimating spatial-temporal dynamics of size-structured populations. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 99: 1-34.
MARAM IWS/DEC13/General/4. Panel Report Part 1 (hake, linefish and Ecofish)
Background documents
MARAM/IWS/DEC14/Hake/BG1. North Pacific Minke whale implementation simulation trial specifications.
MARAM/IWS/DEC14/Hake/BG2. Report of the Benguela Current Commission ECOFISH WP1-WP2 Hake Stock Structure Workshop. 26-28 March 2014.
MARAM/IWS/DEC14/Hake/BG3. Results leading to a proposal for a reference set of operating models for testing the 2014 OMP revision for the South African hake resource. Document FISHERIES/2014/MAR/SWG-DEM/14.
MARAM/IWS/DEC14/Hake/BG4. South African hake resource - collation of some biological information.
MARAM/IWS/DEC14/Hake/BG5. Hake catch and abundance estimates by latitudinal stratum on the west coast, South Africa.
MARAM/IWS/DEC14/Hake/BG6. Intercalibration of survey trawl gear using paired hauls.
MARAM/IWS/DEC14/Hake/BG7. Merluccius capensis spawn in Namibian waters, but do M. paradoxus? 14pp.
MARAM/IWS/DEC14/Hake/BG8. Interaction between Cape hake spawning and the circulation in the northern Bengula upwelling ecosystem. South African Journal of Marine Science. 23: 317-336.
MARAM/IWS/DEC14/Hake/BG9. Reimer, L.W. 1993. Parasites of Merluccius capensis and M. paradoxus fromt eh coast of Namibia. Applied Parasitology, 34 (1993), 143-150.
MARAM/IWS/DEC14/Hake/BG10. An updated reference case for the South African hake resource. Document FISHERIES/2014/APR/SWQ-DEM/HASTT/02.
MARAM/IWS/DEC14/Hake/BG11. Hake Candidate Management Procedures Testing Methodology. FISHERIES/2014/JULY/SWG-DEM/22.
MARAM/IWS/DEC14/Hake/BG12. Final CMP Projections for the South African hake resource. FISHERIES/2014/OCT/SWG-DEM/52.
MARAM/IWS/DEC14/Hake/BG13. Responses to previous panel recommendations on hake research.
MARAM/IWS/DEC14/Hake/BG14. Presence-absence relationship with bottom temperature for deep water hake (Merluccius paradoxus) on the west coast of South Africa and its potential for adjusting survey indices.
MARAM/IWS/DEC14/Hake/BG15a. Report of the second part of the phase II workshop on assessment modelling of hake in ECOFISH. 26-28 May 2014.
MARAM/IWS/DEC14/Hake/BG15b. Annex A-F. Phase II workshop on assessment modelling of hake in ECOFISH. 26-28 May 2014.
MARAM/IWS/DEC14/Hake/BG16. Summary of background documents.
Working papers
MARAM/IWS/DEC14/Hake/WP1. Smith, M. Length-frequency distributions for M. paradoxus on the south coast using SADSTIA observer data (2006- Sept 2014).
MARAM/IWS/DEC14/Hake/WP3. Fairweather, T.P Missing 40-60cm M. paradoxus on the south coast in survey data.
MARAM/IWS/DEC14/Hake/WP4. Fairweather, T.P. Investigation of 1998-2012 Africana survey data.
Introduction to ECOFISH. Durholtz,D.
SAM presentation. Nielsen, A. and Berg, C.


Primary papers
MARAM/IWS/DEC14/Sardine/P1. Does parasite infection definitely increase for sardine aged 2 and above on the south coast? Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Report No. FISHERIES/2014/JUL/SWG-PEL/42.
MARAM/IWS/DEC14/Sardine/P2. Alternative hypotheses of two mixing stocks of South African sardine: Initial testing.
MARAM/IWS/DEC14/Sardine/P3. Key Issues for Discussion Regarding Prioritisation of Future Sardine Research.
MARAM/IWS/DEC14/Sardine/P4 Alternative hypotheses of two mixing stocks of South African sardine: Some projections assuming no future catch.
MARAM/IWS/DEC14/Sardine/P5. de Moor CL. Movement estimated by the alternative hypotheses of two mixing stocks of South African sardine.
Background documents
MARAM/IWS/DEC14/Sardine/BG1. Overview of Background Documents.
MARAM/IWS/DEC14/Sardine/BG2. Progress report on recommendations from the International review panel report for the 2013 International Fisheries Stock Assessment Workshop: Sardine.
MARAM/IWS/DEC14/Sardine/BG3. Model Projections from November 2003. Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Report No. FISHERIES/2014/MAR/SWG-PEL/11.
MARAM/IWS/DEC14/Sardine/BG4. Autocorrelated sardine movement. Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Report No. FISHERIES/2014/MAR/SWG-PEL/21.
MARAM/IWS/DEC14/Sardine/BG5. Initial exploration of available data to estimate sardine recruitment on the south coast. Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Report No. FISHERIES/2014/FEB/SWG-PEL/01.
MARAM/IWS/DEC14/Sardine/BG6a. Assessing the South African sardine resource: two stocks rather than one? In Review.
MARAM/IWS/DEC14/Sardine/BG6b. Assessing the South African sardine resource: two stocks rather than one? Supplementary Material. In Review.
MARAM/IWS/DEC14/Sardine/BG7. Potential indicators of the effective spawning biomass derived from the proportion of eggs transported to or retained in either a west coast or south coast nursery area. Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Report No. FISHERIES/2014/OCT/SWG-PEL/49.
MARAM/IWS/DEC14/Sardine/BG8. Miller DCM, Moloney CL, van der Lingen CD, Lett C, Mullon C and Field JG. 2006. Modelling the effects of physical-biological interations and spatial variability in spawning and nursery areas on transport and retention of sardine Sardinops sagax eggs and larvae in the southern Benguela ecosystem. Journal of Marine Systems 61:212-229.
MARAM/IWS/DEC14/Sardine/BG9. Update on "tetracotyle" type metacarcariae infection data and implications for sardine movement. Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Report No. FISHERIES/2014/MAR/SWG-PEL/08.
MARAM/IWS/DEC14/Sardine/BG10. Updated GLM analyses of parasite data corroborate the sardine multi-stock hypothesis. Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Report No. FISHERIES/2014/APR/SWG-PEL/27.
MARAM/IWS/DEC14/Sardine/BG11. Increasing prevalence of infection with increasing fish size for southern stock sardine is not a model artefact. Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Report No. FISHERIES/2014/MAY/SWG-PEL/30.
MARAM/IWS/DEC14/Sardine/BG12. Research on the genetics of South African sardine Sardinops sagax.
MARAM/IWS/DEC14/Sardine/BG13. Demographic effects on sardine reproduction.
Working papers
Introduction to Sardine C.L. de Moor


Primary papers
A Series
MARAM/IWS/DEC14/Peng/A1. Evaluating the state of knowledge on fishing exclusions around major African penguin colonies.
MARAM/IWS/DEC14/Peng/A2. Annex 1: An examination of the island closure related models produced by the MARAM group.
MARAM/IWS/DEC14/Peng/A6. Summary of responses to MARAM/IWS/DEC14/Peng/B2-11.
MARAM/IWS/DEC14/Peng/A7. Comments on the "River model" (de Moor and Butterworth 2014): Bounding exploitation rate, estimating escapement for critically dependent predators, or understanding the interactions between anchovy and penguin demographics?
MARAM/IWS/DEC14/Peng/A9. Responses to MARAM/IWS/DEC14/Peng/B10.
MARAM/IWS/DEC14/Peng/A10. Further clarification of the biases in and interpretation of regressions where catch is a predictor of penguin response.
MARAM/IWS/DEC14/Peng/A10add. Revision of Appendix A of MARAM/IWS/DEC14/Peng/A10.
MARAM/IWS/DEC14/Peng/A12. Respones to preliminary questions from the Annual International Stock Assessment Workshop.
B Series
MARAM/IWS/DEC14/Peng/B1. An overview of the MARAM/IWS/DEC14/Peng/B series of documents.
MARAM/IWS/DEC14/Peng/B2. A composite proposal related to the penguin colony closure programme.
MARAM/IWS/DEC14/Peng/B3a. Robinson, W.M.L, Butterworth, D.S, and Plagányi, É.E. Quantifiying the projected impact of the South African sardine fishery on the Robben Island penguin colony.
MARAM/IWS/DEC14/Peng/B3b. Robinson, W.M.L, Butterworth, D.S, and Plagányi, É.E. Quantifiying the projected impact of the South African sardine fishery on the Robben Island penguin colony. Supplementary material.In review.
MARAM/IWS/DEC14/Peng/B4. Analyses of the results from the island closure feasibility study for the Dassen/Robben and St Croix/Bird Island Pairs.
MARAM/IWS/DEC14/Peng/B5. Application of the "River Model" to estimate the impact of fishing on the amount of anchovy available to west coast penguin colonies.
MARAM/IWS/DEC14/Peng/B6. An analysis of the small scale surveys of anchovy abundance around Robben and Dassen Islands from 2009 to 2013.
MARAM/IWS/DEC14/Peng/B7. Comments on the Weller et al. Robben Island penguin model simulations, in particular as regards the impact on penguins of fishing restrictions around the island.
MARAM/IWS/DEC14/Peng/B8. On inconsistencies amongst the rationales offered by Sherley et al., Weller et al. and Pichegru et al. regarding the impact of fishing restriction around islands on penguins.
MARAM/IWS/DEC14/Peng/B9. Do catch-based indices provide a reliable index of annual recruitment for the South African anchovy population?
MARAM/IWS/DEC14/Peng/B10. Responses to reservations raised concerning the GLM analyses of and inferences drawn from the results from the island closure feasibility study.
MARAM/IWS/DEC14/Peng/B11. Responses to previous panel recommendations on penguin research.
MARAM/IWS/DEC14/Peng/B12. Updated analyses of the results from the Island Closure Feasibility Study for the Dassen/Robben and St Croix/Bird Island pairs given revised data and responses to matters raised in documents.
MARAM/IWS/DEC14/Peng/B13. Responses to matters raised in documents MARAM/IWS/DEC14/Peng/A1 and Peng/A2.
MARAM/IWS/DEC14/Peng/B14. Responses to matters raised in document MARAM/IWS/DEC14/Peng/A4.
MARAM/IWS/DEC14/Peng/B15. Taking account of sample size in the GLM analyses of the response variable data from the island closure feasibility study.
MARAM/IWS/DEC14/Peng/B16. Responses to questions from the panel, 6 November 2014.
MARAM/IWS/DEC14/Peng/B17. Corrections to updated analyses of the results from the Island Closure Feasibility Study for the Dassen/Robben Island pair given in Appendix A of MARAM/IWS/DEC14/Peng/B12. .
C Series
MARAM/IWS/DEC14/Peng/C1. The current set of available data for evaluation of the Island Closure Feasibility study.
MARAM/IWS/DEC14/Peng/C2. Proposed process to address differing views on analyses related to island closures to pelagic fishing and their impact on penguin recovery.
MARAM/IWS/DEC14/Peng/C3. Weller et al. 2014. A system dynamics approach to modeling multiple drivers of the African penguin population on Robben Island, South Africa. Ecological Modelling 277 (2014) 38-56.
MARAM/IWS/DEC14/Peng/C4. The current set of available data for evaluation of the Island Closure Feasibility study - Incorporating sample size and correcting the recruit survey time series.
MARAM/IWS/DEC14/Peng/C5. Comparing catches of anchovy and sardine around penguin breeding colonies at different spatial scales.
Background documents
Working papers
MARAM/IWS/DEC14/Peng/WP1. van der Lingen, C.D. and van der Westhuizen, J.J. Catches of sardine and anchovy around four penguin islands, 2009-2012.
MARAM/IWS/DEC14/Peng/WP3. Butterworth, D.S. and Moosa, N. On the on the measurement error effect on estimates of the effect of fishing parameter lambda.
MARAM/IWS/DEC14/Peng/WP5. Butterworth, D.S. On the potential impact of any catch correlation with biomass on estimates of the effect of fishing parameter lambda.
MARAM/IWS/DEC14/Peng/WP6. Bergh, M. Biases in estimates of penguin response when there is perfect correlation between local pelagic biomass and global pelagic biomass estimates.
Island closure feasibility study. Prochazka, K.


Primary papers