2016 Research Output

Research Papers and Refereed Articles

Carruthers, T.R., Kell, L.T., Butterworth, D.S., Maunder, M.N, Geromont, H.F., Walters, C., McAllister, M.K., Hillary, R., Levontin, P., Kitakado, T. and Davies, C.R. Performance review of simple management procedures. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 73(2): 464-482.

Advanced Access

Hillary, R.M., Preece, A.L., Davies, C.R., Kurota, H., Sakai, O., Itoh, T., Parma, A.M., Butterworth, D.S., Ianelli, J. and Branch, T.A. A scientific alternative to moratoria for rebuilding depleted international tuna stocks. Fish and Fisheries. 14pp. doi: 10.1111/faf.12121.
Punt, A., Butterworth, D.S., de Moor, C.L., De Oliveira, J. and Haddon, M. Management Strategy Evaluation: Best Practices. Fish and Fisheries. Manuscript ID FaF-14-Jun-OA-111.R2 [email ref: SE-8-a]: doi:10.1111/faf.12104
Butterworth, D.S. The South African Experience with MSC Certification: A perspective. Fisheries Research. 4pp. doi: 10.1016/j.fishres.2016.02.021

PowerPoint Presentations

Plagányi, É.E., Tulloch, V., van Putten, I, Hobday, A., Blamey, L., Butterworth, D.S. and Robinson, W. Quantifying climate-smart management responses to shifting marine species distributions. Presentation to the Species on the Move International Conference, Hobart, Tasmania, 9-12 February, 2016.

ICCAT Bluefin Tuna

Butterworth, D.S., Carruthers, T.R. and Rademeyer, R.A. Specifications for MSE trials for Bluefin tuna in the North Atlantic. Document prepared for the ICCAT Atlantic Bluefin MSE meeting in Monterey, USA, 21-23 January 2016: 42pp.

Consultancy and Other Activities Based on Expertise Developed in Research

Butterworth, D.S. Comments/queries on ``Starving seabirds: unprofitable foraging...'' by Gremillet et al. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2016/FEB/SWG-PEL/04: 4pp.
Johnston, S.J. and Butterworth, D.S. The impact on assessments of and projection for the West Coast rock lobster resource if poaching levels are substantially larger than assumed for the present Reference Case assessment. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2016/MAR/SWG-WCRL/03: 23pp.
Ross-Gillespie, A. and Butterworth, D.S. Some key results from the hake predation model. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2016/MAR/SWG-DEM/05: 3pp.
Ross-Gillespie, A. A comparison between the hake cannibalism and inter-species predation models presented in Bergh et al. (2016) and Ross-Gillespie (2016). DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2016/MAR/SWG-DEM/08: 2pp.
Vrancken, C. and Butterworth, D.S. Regarding the precision of an estimate of the amount of rock lobster poaching obtainable using the Amahlo approach. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2016/MAR/SWG-WCRL/05: 3pp.