2013 Research Output

Research Papers and Refereed Articles

Agnew D, Gutiérrez NL, and Butterworth DS. Fish catch data: Less than what meets the eye. Marine Policy 42: 268-269.
Blamey LK, Plagányi ÉE, and Branch GM. Modeling a regime shift in a kelp-forest ecosystem caused by a lobster range expansion. Bulletin of Marine Science 89(1): 347-375.
de Moor CL, Butterworth DS, and Coetzee JC. Can anchovy age structure be estimated from length distribution data collected during surveys? African Journal of Marine Science 35(3): 335-342

Unpublished Research/Technical/Policy Documents

Brandão, A. and Butterworth, D.S. An evaluation on four potential SLAs for West Greenland humpback and bowhead whales using the agreed evaluation and robustness trials. International Whaling Commission document: SC/65/AWMP02: 16pp.
Brandão, A., Butterworth, D.S., Ross-Gillespie, A. and Best, P.B. Application of a photo-identification based assessment model to southern right whales in South African waters, now including data up to 2012. International Whaling Commission document: SC/65/BRG17: 15pp.
Konishi, K. and Butterworth, D.S. Further investigation of whether correlations amongst data are invalidating the conclusion of a statistically significant trend in Antarctic minke body condition over time. International Whaling Commission document: SC/65a/EM04: 3pp.
Ross-Gillespie, A., Butterworth, D.S. and Johnston, S.J. Initial exploration of single-stock, two-stock and three-stock population models for humpback breeding stocks D, E1 and Oceania under different Antarctic stock boundaries assumptions. International Whaling Commission document: SC/65/SH01: 35pp.


Butterworth, D.S. and Rademeyer, R.A. Fisheries management—does selectivity matter? Presentation to the CAPAM Selectivity Workshop, La Jolla, 12-14 March 2013: 57pp.
Butterworth, D.S. Methods testing: the design of simulation exercises. Presentation to the World Conference on Fish Stock Assessment, Boston, 15-19 July, 2013. 19pp.
Butterworth, D.S. Marine living resources amendment bill comments. Presented to the Portfolio Committee hearing, Parliament, Cape Town, 16 October 2013: 6pp.
Butterworth, D.S. More on MSE and Management Procedures. Presentation to the Massachusetts Marine Fisheries Institute's Workshop on Overfishing Reference Points and Uncertainty Buffers, 6-8 November, New Bedford: 36pp.
Butterworth, D.S. Management Procedures and Management Strategy Evaluation (MSE). Presentation to the Innovative Fishery Management Approaches Workshop co-convened by the Florida Institute of Oceanography and Ocean Conservancy, St Petersburg, November 19-21, 2013: 31pp.
Butterworth, D.S. Factoring uncertainty into management advice: Have fisheries scientists got their act together? Keynote address to ICES Annual Scientific Conference, Reykjavík, 23-27 September, 2013. (YouTube version)
de Moor, C.L. OMP-13: Further results for alternative anchovy harvest control rules. Presentation to the Small Pelagic Scientific Working Group, Cape Town, 19th June 2013. 10pp.
de Moor, C.L. and Butterworth, D.S. OMP-13: Further Investigation of the Anchovy Control Rule. Presentation to the Small Pelagic Scientific Working Group, Cape Town. 2nd May 2013. 9pp.
de Moor, C.L. and Butterworth, D.S. Re-considering the appropriate risk level for anchovy in OMP-13 development. Presentation to the Small Pelagic Scientific Working Group, Cape Town, 2nd May 2013. 21pp.
de Moor, C.L. and Butterworth, D.S. Sardine two-stock hypothesis: results at the posterior mode. Presented to the DAFF SPSWG meeting, 28 August 2013: 17pp.
de Moor, C.L. Comparisons of alternative single-area TAC Management Procedures. Presented to the DAFF SPSWG meeting, 27 November 2013. 41pp.
de Moor, C.L. and Butterworth, D.S. An Alternative Sardine Recruit Movement Model. Presented to the DAFF SPSWG meeting 31 October 2013. 9pp.
de Moor, C.L. and Butterworth, D.S. Draft Two-Area Harvest Control Rules for OMP-13. Presented to the DAFF SPSWG meeting 31 October 2013. 10pp.
de Moor, C.L., Butterworth, D.S. and Robinson, W. Initial Results Using a Two-Area Directed Sardine TAC. Presented to the DAFF SPSWG meeting 31 October 2013. 16pp.
de Moor, C.L. An Overview of the Key Issues to be Discussed Relating to South African Sardine. Presented to the MARAM International Stock Assessment Workshop, Cape Town, 3 December 2013. 41pp.
Geromont, H.F. and Butterworth, D.S. Additional data and more complex assessments—do these provide improved fishery management advice? Presentation to the World Conference on Fish Stock Assessment, Boston, 15-19 July, 2013. 28pp.
Geromont, H.F. and Butterworth, D.S. Generic management procedures for data-poor fisheries forecasting with few data. Presentation to the ICES Methods Working Group, Reykjavík, 30 September – 4 October, 2013: 14pp.
Robinson, W. Assessing the impact of fishing on the African penguin population. Presentation to the Post Graduate Science Symposium, 4 September, 2013: 33pp.
Stone, H.H., Butterworth, D.S. and Rademeyer, R.A. A management strategy evaluation for the Canadian Pollock fishery off southwestern Nova Scotia. Presentation to the “Gadoid Fisheries: The Ecology of Management and Rebuilding” Symposium held at the Huntsman Marine Science Centre Aquarium, St. Andrews New Brunswick, Canada., October 15-18 2013: 28pp.


Sakai, O., Takahashi, N., Kurota, H. and Butterworth, D.S. A check of operating model predictions from the viewpoint of the management procedure implementation in 2013. CCSBT document: CCSBT-OMMP/1307/09 Rev: also CCSBT-ESC/1309/BGD02: 8pp.
Kurota, H., Takahashi, N, Sakai, O. and Butterworth, D.S. Impacts of assumptions about the natural mortality schedule and the Indonesian fishery selectivity on the SBT stock assessment. CCSBT document: CCSBT-ESC/1309/36: 10pp.

Georges Bank / Gulf of Maine White Hake

Butterworth, D.S. and Rademeyer, R.A. Preliminary statistical catch-at-age assessments of Georges Bank/Gulf of Maine white hake. Document submitted to NEFSC White Hake Assessment Working Group meeting, Woods Hole, January 7-11: 35pp.

Gulf of Maine Cod

Butterworth, D.S. and Rademeyer, R.A. Response to SARC 55 Summary Report regarding Gulf of Maine Cod. Document submitted to January 2013 meeting of the US New England Fishery Management Council Science and Statistical Committee. 14pp.

ICCAT Bluefin Tuna

Butterworth, D.S. and Rademeyer, R.A. A comparison of initial statistical catch-at-age and catch-at-length assessments of Western Atlantic bluefin tuna. ICCAT document: SCRS/213/136: 25pp.


Rademeyer, R.A. and Butterworth, D.S. Further SCAA runs of US South Atlantic wreckfish. Document submitted to SAFMC Wreckfish Subgroup, October 2013. 3pp.
Butterworth, D.S. and Rademeyer, R.A. Further results for an application of statistical catch-at-age assessment methodology to assess US South Atlantic wreckfish. Document submitted to South Atlantic Fishery Management Council’s Scientific and Statistical Committee’s Wreckfish Assessment Workshop, Charleston, 12-14 November 2013: 11pp.


Butterworth, D.S. and Johnston, S.J. Recommendations on rock lobster TACs for the Tristan group of islands for the 2013/14 season. Document MARAM/Tristan/2013/JUN/10: 3pp.
Butterworth, D.S. and Johnston, S.J. Recommendation regarding a within-season amendment of the TAC for Nightingale for the 2013/14 fishing season. Document MARAM/TRISTAN/2013/AUG/11: 2pp.
Johnston, S.J. and Butterworth, D.S. Input data for the 2013 rock lobster assessments of the Tristan da Cunha group of islands. Document MARAM/TRISTAN/2013/FEB/01: 23pp.
Johnston, S.J. 2013 Updated lobster catch-at-length data from the Tristan da Cunha fishery. Document MARAM/TRISTAN/2013/FEB/02: 6pp.
Johnston, S.J. and Butterworth, D.S. A juvenile index from biomass survey data. Document MARAM/TRISTAN/2013/MAR/03: 16pp.
Johnston, S.J., Brandão, A. And Butterworth, D.S. Updated GLMM- and GLM-standardised lobster CPUE from the Tristan da Cunha group of islands. Document MARAM/TRISTAN/2013/MAR/05: 14pp.
Johnston, S.J., Butterworth, D.S. and Brandão, A. Further test fishing analyses for Nightingale Island. Document MARAM/TRISTAN/2013/MAR/06: 16pp.
Johnston, S.J. and Butterworth, D.S. The age-structured production modelling approach for assessment of the rock lobster resource at the Tristan da Cunha group of islands. Document MARAM/TRISTAN/2013/MAR/07: 15pp.
Johnston, S.J. and Butterworth, D.S. Updated 2013 Tristan da Cunha rock lobster assessment. Document MARAM/TRISTAN/2013/APR/08: 10pp.
Johnston, S.J. and Butterworth, D.S. Tristan rock lobster OMP development: some initial notes. Document MARAM/TRISTAN/2013/APR/09: 5pp.
Johnston, S.J. and Butterworth, D.S. Updated 2013 rock lobster assessments for Inaccessible and Gough islands. Document MARAM/TRISTAN/2013/SEP/12: 27pp.
Johnston, S.J. and Butterworth, D.S. Further updates to the 2013 Tristan da Cunha rock lobster assessment. Document MARAM/TRISTAN/2013/OCT/13: 7pp.
Johnston, S.J. and Butterworth, D.S. An Operational Management Procedure for the Tristan da Cunha rock lobster fishery. Document MARAM/TRISTAN/2013/OCT/14: 11pp.
Johnston, S.J., Brandão, A. and Butterworth, D.S. Updated GLMM-standardised lobster trap CPUE for Inaccessible and Gough islands taking data from the 2012 season into account. Document MARAM/TRISTAN.2013/NOV/15: 9pp.

Consultancy and Other Activities Based on Expertise Developed in Research

Brandão, A., Johnston, S. and Butterworth, D.S. Updated trends in policing effort and the number of confiscations for West Coast rock lobster. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2013/AUG/SWG-WCRL/18: 23pp.
Brandão, A. and Butterworth, D.S. Analyses of the Fisheries Independent Monitoring Survey data of the rock lobster resource of South Africa to include the 2012/13 season. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2013/AUG/SWG-WCRL/22: 19pp.
Brandão, A. Data required for an updated assessment of the South African kingklip resource. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2013/AUG/SWG-DEM/30: 1pp.
Brandão, A. Data required for an updated assessment of the toothfish resource in the Prince Edward Islands EEZ. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2013/AUG/SWG-DEM/31: 1pp.
Brandão, A. and Butterworth, D.S. A “Replacement Yield” model fit to catch and survey data for the South and West coasts kingklip resource of South Africa. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2013/SEP/SWG-DEM/51(rev): 12pp.
Brandão, A. and Butterworth, D.S. Obtaining a standardised CPUE series for toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides) in the Prince Edward islands EEZ calibrated to incorporate both longline and trotline data over the period 1997–2013. DAFF Branch fisheries document: FISHERIES/2013/OCT/SWG-DEM/57: 15pp. (Also MARAM IWS/DEC13/Toothfish/P1)
Brandão, A. and Butterworth, D.S. Assessment of the toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides) resource in the Prince Edward Islands vicinity to include data from 1997 to 2013. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2013/OCT/SWG-DEM/59: 31pp. (Also MARAM IWS/DEC13/Toothfish/P2)
Brandão, A. and Butterworth, D.S. Trends in policing effort and the number of confiscations for abalone including compliance data until March 2013. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2013/AUG/SWG-AB/09: 9pp.
Brandão, A. and Butterworth, D.S. GLMM standardisation of the commercial abalone CPUE for Zones A–D over the period 1980–2012. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2013/AUG/SWG-AB/11: 9pp.
Brandão, A. and Butterworth, D.S. Final results for the abalone spatial- and age-structured assessment model for Zones A, B, C and D in 2013. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2013/AUG/SWG-AB/12: 14pp.
Brandão, A. and Butterworth, D.S. Results for the abalone spatial- and age-structured assessment model for Zones A, B, C and D in 2013. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2013/AUG/STG-AB/12: 15pp.
Butterworth, D.S. Proposed steps towards implementing the results from the updated squid assessment. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2013/AUG/SWG-SQ/47: 3pp.
Butterworth, D.S. and Johnston, S.J. A proposal for a TAC recommendation for West Coast rock lobster for the 2013/14 season. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2013/AUG/SWG-WCRL/27 (Rev+update): 10pp.
Butterworth, D.S., Robinson, W.M.L. and Ross-Gillespie, A. Evaluating the accuracy of hake abundance index predictions using different smoothing techniques. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2013/NOV/SWG-DEM/69: 8pp. (Also MARAM IWS/DEC13/Hake/P4)
Butterworth, D.S. On the two-stock sardine model. International Stock Assessment Workshop document: MARAM IWS/DEC13/Sardine/P7: 7pp.
Butterworth, D.S. Comments on: Insufficient precautionary management of South Africa's purse-seine fishery for conservation of the African Penguin (FISHERIES/2013/SWG-PEL/ICTT/4) by Pichegru et al. DAFF Branch Fisheries Document: 1-20.
de Moor, C.L. and Butterworth, D.S. Assessment of the South African sardine resource using data from 1984–2011: further results for a two stock hypothesis. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2013/FEB/SWG-PEL/01REV: 20pp.
de Moor, C.L., Butterworth, D.S. Re-considering the appropriate risk level for anchovy in OMP-13 development. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2013/APR/SWG-PEL/04: 18pp.
de Moor, C.L., Butterworth, D.S. OMP-13: further investigation of the anchovy control rule. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2013/MAY/SWG-PEL/06: 8pp.
de Moor, C.L. OMP-13: application of the maximum anchovy TAC constraint. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2013/MAY/SWG-PEL/07: 3pp.
de Moor, C.L. and Butterworth, D.S. Timeline for remaining OMP-13 development. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2013/MAY/SWG-PEL/08: 1p.
de Moor, C.L. and Butterworth, D.S. OMP-13: Initial sardine bycatch limit. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2013/MAY/SWG-PEL/09: 2pp.
de Moor, C.L. and Butterworth, D.S. OMP-13: Alternative anchovy control rules. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2013/MAY/SWG-PEL/10: 19pp.
de Moor, C.L. OMP-13: further results for alternative anchovy harvest control rules. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2013/JUN/SWG-PEL/11: 12pp.
de Moor, C.L., Butterworth, D.S. Interim OMP-13 v2. DAFF Branch Fisheries: FISHERIES/2013/JUL/SWG-PEL/15: 18pp.
de Moor, C.L. Final anchovy TAC and sardine TAB for 2013, using Interim OMP-13v2. DAFF Branch Fisheries: FISHERIES/2013/JUL/SWG-PEL/16: 4pp.
de Moor, C.L. Further results using Interim OMP-13v2. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2013/AUG/SWG-PEL/19: 9pp.
de Moor, C.L., Butterworth, D.S. Assessment of the South African sardine resource using data from 1984–2011: results for a two stock hypothesis at the posterior mode. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2013/AUG/SWG-PEL/20: 46pp.
de Moor, C.L., Butterworth, D.S., Coetzee, J.C. Proposals to split sardine catch west and east of Cape Agulhas. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2013/SEP/SWG-PEL/24: 8pp.
de Moor, C.L., Butterworth, D.S. The simulation testing framework used during the development of OMP-13. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2013/OCT/SWG-PEL/26: 27pp.
de Moor, C.L., Butterworth, D.S. OMP-13: initial results assuming a two sardine stock hypothesis. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2013/OCT/SWG-PEL/27: 8pp.
de Moor, C.L., Butterworth, D.S. An alternative relationship to determine future movement of sardine recruits between the "west" and "south" stocks. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2013/OCT/SWG-PEL/29: 7pp.
de Moor, C.L., Butterworth, D.S. Draft two-area harvest control rules for OMP-13. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2013/OCT/SWG-PEL/30: 16pp.
de Moor, C.L., Butterworth, D.S., Robinson, W.M.L. Further results from future projections of a single or two sardine stock operating model, with initial results using a two-area directed sardine TAC. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2013/OCT/SWG-PEL/31: 26pp.
de Moor, C.L. Comparisons of alternative single-area sardine TAC Management procedures. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2013/NOV/SWG-PEL/33: 23pp.
de Moor, C.L. The projected range of total sardine biomass. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2013/NOV/SWG-PEL/34: 4pp.
de Moor, C.L. Alternative sardine harvest control rules. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2013/NOV/SWG-PEL/41: 3pp.
de Moor, C.L. and Butterworth, D.S. Interim OMP-13 v3. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2013/DEC/SWG-PEL/43: 6pp.
de Moor, C.L. Directed sardine and initial anchovy TACs and TABs for 2014, using interim OMP-13 v3. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2013/DEC/SWG-PEL/44: 5pp.
de Moor, C.L., Butterworth, D.S. and Coetzee, J.C. Report back on previous recommendations by the International Review Panel. International Stock Assessment Workshop document: MARAM IWS/DEC13/Sardine/P9: 11pp.
Fairweather, T., Rademeyer, R.A. and Butterworth, D.S. Abundance estimates for hake—Nansen vs Africana. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2013/OCT/SWG-DEM/54: 7pp.
Furman, L.B. Data required for an updated assessment of the South African horse mackerel resource. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2013/AUG/SWG-DEM/37: 1pp.
Furman, L.B. Recommendation for the 2014 TAC for the horse mackerel directed midwater fishery. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2013/OCT/SWG-DEM/62: 4pp.
Glazer, J.P. and Butterworth, D.S. Updated squid assessment results. DAFF Branch Fisheries document FISHERIES/2013/AUG/SWG-SQ/49: 10pp.
Glazer, J.P. and Butterworth, D.S. Further squid assessment and projection results for a Bayesian approach to take account of uncertainty in parameter values. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2013/SEP/SWG-DEM/54: 6pp.
Glazer, J.P. and Butterworth, D.S. Further squid effort calculations, also taking into account the introduction of small scale fishers as an additional sector in the squid fishery. DAFF Branch Fisheries document FISHERIES/2013/OCT/SWG-SQ/69: 8pp.
Johnston, S.J. and Butterworth, D.S. OMP-2011 re-tuned to account for 2012/13 TAC decisions while maintaining an unchanged recovery target. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2013/JAN/SWG-WCRL/01: 8pp.
Johnston, S.J. Implications of the commercial undercatch tonnage on the performance of the OMP-2011 (re-tuned). DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2013/JAN/SWG-WCRL/02: 3pp.
Johnston, S.J., Butterworth, D.S. and Brandão, A. OMP 2011 re-tuned to be used for setting TACs for the West Coast rock lobster fishery for the 2013+ seasons. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2013/FEB/SWG-WCRL/03: 65pp.
Johnston, S.J. Assumptions regarding poaching that are currently assumed in the OMP for West Coast rock lobster and implications of reduced levels of poaching from 2010+. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2013/MAY/SWG-WCRL/05: 2 pp.
Johnston, S.J. Exceptional circumstances in Area 7 (Dassen Island) for the 2013/14 season. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2013/MAY/SWG-WCRL/06: 4 pp.
Johnston, S.J. Resource indices for each super-area compared with the threshold levels below which Exceptional Circumstances is invoked. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2013/MAY/SWG-WCRL/08: 7pp.
Johnston, S.J. Estimate of IR take for the 2012/13 season. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2013/AUG/SWG-WCRL/17: 1pp.
Johnston, S.J. Scenarios reflecting the likely range of scenarios for west coast rock lobster poaching trends in recent and future years. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2013/AUG/SWG-WCRL/20: 4pp.
Johnston, S.J. Assumptions to be made regarding west coast rock lobster poaching trends in recent years and future scenarios. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2013/AUG/SWG-WCRL/21: 3pp.
Johnston, S.J. Interim Relief (IR) (Subsistence) total take estimate for the 2012/13 season. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2013/AUG/SWG-WCRL/23: 1pp.
Johnston, S.J. Updated 2013 assessments for West Coast rock lobster. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2013/AUG/SWG/WCRL/24: 22pp.
Johnston, S.J. Preliminary 2013 South Coast rock lobster assessment updates. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2013/FEB/SWG-SCRL/02: 18pp.
Johnston, S.J. Further updated SCRL assessment results for alternative selectivity functions. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2013/MAY/SWG-SCRL/03: 21pp.
Johnston, S.J. Final 2013 updated South Coast rock lobster assessment results and description of OMP simulation framework. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2013/AUG/SWG-SCRL/06: 24pp.
Johnston, S.J. and Butterworth, D.S. Re-tuning of OMP-2011 using updated 2013 operating models for the South Coast rock lobster resource to provide OMP-2013. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2013/AUG/SWG-SCRL/11: 4pp.
Maharaj, G., Brandão, A., Burgener, M., Butterworth, D.S. and Raemaekers, S. Summary of abalone poaching trend estimates as updated in 2013. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2013/AUG/SWG-AB/15: 5pp.
Rademeyer, R.A. Data needed for future stock assessments of the South African hake resources. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2013/FEB/SWG-DEM/02: 3pp.
Rademeyer, R.A. The effect of no future surveys on projections under the current OMP for the South African hake resource. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2013/SEP/SWG-DEM/46: 2pp. (Also MARAM IWS/DEC13/Hake/BG5)
Rademeyer, R.A. Output from the South African hake OMP-2010 for the 2014 TAC recommendation. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2013/OCT/SWG-DEM/55: 4pp.
Rademeyer, R.A., Fairweather, T., Glazer, J.P., Leslie, R.L. and Butterworth, D.S. The 2010 Operational Management Procedure for the South African Merluccius paradoxus and M. capensis resources. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2010/OCTOBER/SWG-DEM/59 CORRECTED: 23pp.
Rademeyer, R.A. and Butterworth, D.S. An update of the catchability calibration factor between the Africana with the old and the new gear, with an attempt to estimate its length-dependence. DAFF Branch fisheries document: FISHERIES/2013/NOV/SWG-DEM/66: 10pp. (Also MARAM IWS/DEC13/Hake/P1)
Rademeyer, R.A. and Butterworth, D.S. 2013 update of the South African hake reference case assessment. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2013/NOV/SWG-DEM/67: 56pp. (Also MARAM IWS/DEC13/Hake/P2)
Rademeyer, R.A. Summary of 2013 hake assessment to provide Operating Models for testing OMP-2015, and of the existing OMP-2011. International Stock Assessment Workshop document: MARAM IWS./DEC13/Hake/P5: 2pp.
Rademeyer, R.A. and Butterworth, D.S. List of suggested robustness tests for the revised hake OMP. International Stock Assessment Workshop document: MARAM IWS/DEC13/Hake/P6: 9pp.
Rademeyer, R.A. and Butterworth, D.S. Update of the reference set of the Operating Models used in testing candidate OMPs for the South African hake resource. International Stock Assessment Workshop document: MARAM IWS/DEC13/Hake/P7: 7pp.
Rademeyer, R.A. An initial attempt at a spatially structured stock assessment for the South African hake resource, including explicit movement. International Stock Assessment Workshop document: MARAM IWS/DEC13/Hake/P9: 40pp.
Robinson, W. and Butterworth, D.S. GLMs relating penguin demographics and foraging behaviour to forage fish abundances. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2013/FEB/SWG-PEL/ICTT/03: 47pp.
Robinson, W. Penguin model projections: 20 years, autocorrelation, and immigration. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2013/NOV/SWG-PEL/36: 3pp.
Ross-Gillespie, A. and Butterworth, D.S. Update on progress in modelling cannibalism and inter-species predation in Cape hake (Merluccius spp.). DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2013/FEB/SWG-DEM/05: 3pp.
Ross-Gillespie, A. and Butterworth, D.S. Incorporating cannibalism and inter-species predation effects into the hake assessment model: Methods and some preliminary results. International Stock Assessment Workshop document: MARAM IWS/DEC13/Ecofish/P10: 14pp.


Robinson, W.M.L. Modelling the impact of the South African small pelagic fishery on African penguin dynamics. PhD thesis: xiv + 207 pp.