2014 Research Output

Research Papers and Refereed Articles

Blamey LK, Plagányi ÉE, and Branch GM. Was overfishing of predatory fish responsible for a lobster-induced regime shift in the Benguela? Ecological Modelling, 273: 140–150.
Butterworth DS, Rademeyer RA, Brandão A, Geromont HF, and Johnston SJ. Does selectivity matter? A fisheries management perspective. Fisheries Research, 158: 194–204.
Plagányi, É.E., Ellis, N., Blamey, L.K., Morello, E.B., Norman-Lopez, A., Robinson, W., Sporic, M. and Sweatman, H. Ecosystem modelling provides clues to understanding ecological tipping points. Mar Ecol Prog Ser, 512: 99-113.
Punt AE, A'mar T, Bond NA, Butterworth DS, de Moor CL, De Oliveira JAA, Haltuch MA, Hollowed AB, and Szuwalski C. Fisheries management under climate and environmental uncertainty: control rules and performance simulation. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 71(8): 2208-2220

Non-Peer reviewed published Conference Proceedings

Allison, C., de Moor, C.L. and Punt, A.E. North Pacific minke whale implementation simulation trial specifications. J. Cetacean Res. Manage 15(Suppl.): 133-180. (Also MARAM/IWS/DEC14/HakeBG1).
Allison, C., Butterworth, D.S. and Miyashita, T. Updated table of abundance estimates. Annex G of Report of the ‘Second’ International Workshop on the Implementation Review for Western North Pacific Common Minke Whales. J. Cetacean Res. Manage. 15(Suppl.): 504.
Butterworth, D.S. and Miyashita, T. Derivation of revised estimate for subarea 7 in 1991 and zero abundance estimates. Annex F of Report of the ‘Second’ International Workshop on the Implementation Review for Western North Pacific Common Minke Whales. J. Cetacean Res. Manage. 15(Suppl.): 502.
Butterworth, D.S. and Rademeyer, R.A. A comparison of initial statistical catch-at-age and catch-at-length assessments of Western Atlantic bluefin tuna. SCRS/2013/136. Collect. Vol. Sci. Pap. ICCAT, 70(2): 422-446.
de Moor, C.L. Comparison of \tau values for different sets of surveys. Annex E of Report of the ‘Second’ International Workshop on the Implementation Review for Western North Pacific Common Minke Whales. J. Cetacean Res. Manage. 15(Suppl.): 502

Unpublished Research/Technical/Policy Documents

Brandão, A. and Butterworth, D.S. An evaluation on four potential SLAs for West Greenland bowhead whales using the agreed evaluation and robustness trials. International Whaling Commission document: SC/65b/AWMP/03: 12pp.
Brandão, A. and Butterworth, D.S. An evaluation on four potential SLAs for West Greenland humpback whales using the agreed evaluation and robustness trials. International Whaling Commission document: SC/65b/AWMP/04: 16pp.
Ross-Gillespie, A., Butterworth, D.S. and Johnston, S.J. Assessment results for humpback breeding stocks D, E1 and Oceania following recommendations from SC 65a. International Whaling Commission document: SC/65b/SH04: 39pp.

PowerPoint Presentations

Butterworth, D.S. Extending hake assessments to include both SA and Namibia. What’s needed? Presented at the BCC ECOFISH WP1-WP2 biology workshop, Sea Point, 26-28 March 2014. 24pp.
Butterworth, D.S. Strengthening the role of human and natural sciences in fisheries policy and management. Presentation at the 15th South African Marine Science Symposium, Stellenbosch, 15-18 July 2014, 9pp.
Butterworth, D.S. and Johnston, S.J. The use of operational management procedures to address the biological, social and economic objectives of the West Coast rock lobster fishery. Presentation at the 15th South African Marine Science Symposium, Stellenbosch, 15-18 July 2014, 24pp.
Butterworth, D.S. The South African experience with MSC certification. Presentation to the Third International Marine Conservation Congress, Glasgow, August 2014. 13pp.
Butterworth, D.S. and Johnston, S.J. The surprising behaviour of rock lobsters at the Nightingale Island (Tristan da Cunha) after the 2011 oil and soya spill from the bulk carrier OLIVA. Presentation given as part of the Department of Biological Sciences Seminar Series held at UCT, 22 October 2014, 27pp.
Butterworth, D.S. Challenges and solutions when implementing genetics and parasite data into models. Presentation to the EU MareFrame programme’s annual meeting, Aberdeen, December 2014. 18pp.
Butterworth, D.S. MSE: Management Strategy Evaluation or the Management Procedure (MP) Approach. IOTC MSE workshop, Cape Town, September 2014. 82pp
de Moor, C.L. and Butterworth, D.S. Exploring options for spatially disaggregated directed sardine catch under OMP-14. Presentation to the Small Pelagic Scientific Working Group, Cape Town, 29 April 2014, 14pp.
de Moor, C.L. Options for OMP-14. Presentation to the Small Pelagic Scientific Working Group, Cape Town, 29 April 2014, 5pp.
de Moor, C.L. and Butterworth, D.S. Exploring options for spatially disaggregated directed sardine catch under OMP-14. Presentation to the Small Pelagic Scientific Working Group, Cape Town, 23 July 2014, 18pp.
de Moor, C.L. Options for OMP-14. Presentation to the Small Pelagic Scientific Working Group, Cape Town, 23 July 2014, 17pp.
de Moor, C.L., Coetzee, J., Butterworth, D.S. and van der Lingen, C. A report back on discussions on "Some initial ideas for data required before the next assessments of sardine and anchovy". Presentation to the Small Pelagic Scientific Working Group, Cape Town, 28 August 2014, 19pp
de Moor, C.L. OMP-14: Alternative initial directed sardine TAC rules. Presentation to the Small Pelagic Scientific Working Group, Cape Town, 29 October 2014, 16pp
de Moor, C.L. An overview of the key issues to be discussed relating to South African sardine. Presentation to the International Stock Assessment Review Workshop. 37pp.
Geromont, H.F and D.S. Butterworth. FAO Review: data-poor assessment and management methods. JRC workshop, Ispra, November 2014. 15pp
Geromont, H.F. and D.S. Butterworth. Generic management procedures for data-poor fisheries: forecasting with few data. WKLIFEIV workshop, Lisbon, October 2014. 17pp
Geromont, H.F. and D.S. Butterworth. Complex assessments or simple management procedures for efficient fisheries management: a comparative study. IOTC MSE workshop, Cape Town, September 2014. 23pp

Canadian Redfish

Rademeyer, R.A. and Butterworth, D.S. Statistical catch-at-length assessment of S. fasciatus in Unit 3. Document presented to Canadian redfish assessment review meeting, Mont Joli, 9-10 April 2014: 48pp.
Rademeyer, R.A. and Butterworth, D.S. Statistical catch-at-length assessment of S. mentella and S. fasciatus in Units 1+2. Document presented to Canadian redfish assessment review meeting, Mont Joli, 9-10 April 2014: 31pp.


Rademeyer, R.A. and Butterworth, D.S. Assessment of the US South Atlantic Wreckfish using primarily statistical catch-at-age assessment methodology following recommendations of the November 2013 SAFMC SSC Wreckfish Assessment Workshop. Document submitted to the Scientific and Statistical Committee of the South Atlantic Fisheries Management Council, April 2014. Wreckfish_April2014_fin. 51pp

Gulf of Maine Haddock

Butterworth, D.S. and Rademeyer, R.A. Appendix 3: Assessments of the Gulf of Maine haddock. 2014. Northeast Fisheries Science Center. 2014. 59th Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop (59th SAW) Assessment Report. US Dept Commer, Northeast Fish Sci Cent Ref Doc. 450-482. Available from: National Marine Fisheries Service, 166 Water Street, Woods Hole, MA 02543-1026, or online at http://nefsc.noaa.gov/publications/crd/crd1409/appa.pdf

Southern Bluefin Tuna

Sakai, O., Takahashi, N., Kurota, H. and Butterworth, D.S. Examination of the southern Bluefin tuna (SBT) operating model and preliminary projections for the 2014 assessment. Southern Bluefin tuna document: CCSBT-OMMP/1406/07: 26pp.
Sakai, O., Takahashi, N., Kurota, H. and Butterworth, D.S. Examination of the southern bluefin tuna (SBT) operating model and projections for the 2014 assessment. CCSBT document: CCSBT-ESC/1409/38: 32pp.

Atlantic Menhaden

Butterworth, D.S. and Rademeyer, R.A. An initial response to Legault: “The ability of two age composition error distributions to estimate selectivity and spawning stock biomass in simulated stock assessments. Document submitted to the ASMFC Atlantic Menhaden Assessment Workshop II August 12-15, 2014, Beaufort, NC. 9pp.
Butterworth, D.S. and Rademeyer, R.A. On assessment of the Atlantic Menhaden population. Document submitted to the ASMFC Atlantic Menhaden Assessment Workshop II August 12-15, 2014, Beaufort, NC. 63pp
Butterworth, D.S. and Rademeyer, R.A. Addendum: On assessment of the Atlantic Menhaden population. Document submitted to the ASMFC Atlantic Menhaden Assessment Workshop II August 12-15, 2014, Beaufort, NC. 13pp.


Butterworth, D.S. and Johnston, S.J. Recommendations on rock lobster TACs for the Tristan outer group of islands for the 2014/15 season. MARAM document: MARAM/TRISTAN/2014/JUL/10: 6pp.
Johnston, S.J. and Butterworth, D.S. Updated observer catch-at-length data from the commercial fisheries at the Tristan da Cunha group of islands. MARAM document: MARAM/TRISTAN/2014/JAN/01: 10pp.
Johnston, S.J. and Butterworth, D.S. Updated 2014 Inaccessible and Gough island assessments. MARAM document: MARAM/TRISTAN/2014/JAN/02: 30pp.
Johnston, S.J. and Butterworth, D.S. Initial OMP candidates for the Inaccessible and Gough rock lobster fisheries. MARAM document: MARAM/TRISTAN/2014/FEB/03: 33pp
Johnston, S.J. Tristan biomass survey Leg1 results including data from the 2013 season. MARAM document: MARAM/TRISTAN/2014/FEB/04: 12pp.
Johnston, S.J. Comparative plots of commercial CPUE and biomass survey index data (Leg1) for the Tristan da Cunha group of islands. MARAM document: MARAM/TRISTAN/2014/MAR/05: 3pp.
Johnston, S.J. and Butterworth, D.S. Updated 2014 Nightingale island rock lobster assessment. MARAM document: MARAM/TRISTAN/2014/MAR/06: 26pp.
Johnston, S.J. and Butterworth, D.S. Summary of OMP development for Inaccessible and Gough. MARAM document: MARAM/TRISTAN/2014/MAY/07: 8pp.
Johnston, S.J., Brandão, A. and Butterworth, D.S. Updated 2014 GLMM- and GLM-standardised lobster CPUE from the Tristan da Cunha group of islands. MARAM document: MARAM/TRISTAN/2014/MAY/08: 16pp.
Johnston, S.J. and Butterworth, D.S. The TAC for Tristan da Cunha island rock lobster for the 2014 season as calculated using the current OMP. MARAM document: MARAM/TRISTAN/2014/JUN/09: 2pp.
Johnston, S.J., Pieterse, R. and Butterworth, D.S. Analyses of CPUE from the four islands of the Tristan da Cunha group to examine effects of trip length and period of rest between trips on CPUE performance. MARAM document: MARAM/TRISTAN/2014/NOV/11: 11pp.

Consultancy and Other Activities Based on Expertise Developed in Research

Brandão, A. and Butterworth, D.S. Standardisation of the CPUE series for toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides) in the Prince Edward Islands EEZ using finer scale fishing areas. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2014/JUN/SWG-DEM/17: 13pp.
Brandão, A. and Butterworth, D.S. Further results for the standardisation of the CPUE series for toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides) in the Prince Edward Islands EEZ using finer scale fishing areas. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2014/JUL/SWG-DEM/28: 7pp.
Brandão, A. and Butterworth, D.S. Final standardised CPUE series for toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides) in the Prince Edward Islands EEZ to be used as input for the assessment. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2014/AUG/SWG-DEM/32: 12pp.
Brandão, A. and Butterworth, D.S. Assessment of the toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides) resource in the Prince Edward Islands vicinity to include data from 1997 to 2013, including tag-recapture data. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2014/OCT/SWG-DEM/49: 37pp.
Brandão, A. and Butterworth, D.S. Back-tracking biomass estimates to 1932 using results from a “Replacement Yield” model fit to catch and survey data for the South Coast kingklip resource off South Africa for estimates of current status relative to MSY-related reference points. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2014/OCT/SWG-DEM/57: 7pp.
Brandão, A. and Butterworth, D.S. Further projections assessment of the toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides) resource in the Prince Edward Islands vicinity to include data from 1997 to 2013, including tag-recapture data. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2014/OCT/SWG-DEM/60: 4pp.
Brandão, A. and Butterworth, D.S. Trends in policing effort and the number of confiscations for abalone including compliance data until March 2014. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2014/AUG/SWG-AB/01: 9pp.
Brandão, A. and Butterworth, D.S. Plan to refine the existing Decision Rules for Zones E, F and G. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2014/JUL/TSKGRP-AB/02: 2 pp.
Brandão, A. and Butterworth, D.S. GLMM standardisation of the commercial abalone CPUE for Zones A-D over the period 1980-2013. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2014/AUG/TSKGRP-AB/03: 9pp.
Brandão, A. and Butterworth, D.S. Updated analyses of the Fisheries Independent Monitoring Survey data of the rock lobster resource of South Africa to include the 2013/14 season. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2014/JUN/SWG-WCRL/11: 19pp.
Butterworth, D.S. Comments on: Insufficient precautionary management of South Africa’s purse-seine fishery for conservation of the African Penguin (FISHERIES/2013/SWG-PEL/ICTT/4) by Pichegru et al. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2014/SWG-PEL/ICTT/2b: 20pp.
Butterworth, D.S. Some responses to comments by Sherley in FISHERIES/2014/MAR/SWG-PEL/18: DAFF Branch fisheries document: FISHERIES/2014/APR/SWG-PEL/ICTT/14: 2pp.
Butterworth, D.S. A composite proposal related to the penguin colony closure programme. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2014/APR/SWG-PEL/ICTT/16: 8pp
Butterworth, D.S. and Robinson, W.M.L. On inconsistencies amongst the rationales offered by Sherley et al., Weller et al. and Pichegru et al. regarding the impact of fishing restrictions around islands on penguins. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2014/APR/SWG-PEL/ICTT/17: 3pp.
Butterworth, D.S. and Robinson, W.M.L. Response to: “An evaluation of evidence that purse-seine fishing around African Penguin colonies benefits penguins”. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2014/APR/SWG-PEL/ICTT/24: 16pp.
Butterworth, D.S. and Robinson, W.M.L. Response to: “Response to comments on the Robben Island penguin pressure model”. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2014/APR/SWG-PEL/ICTT/25: 14pp.
Butterworth, D.S. Response to: “A proposal regarding island closures on the west coast”. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2014/APR/SWG-PEL/ICTT/27: 4pp.
Butterworth, D.S. and Glazer, J.P. A preliminary assessment of the South African east coast sole resource, Austroglossus pectoralis. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2014/OCT/SWG-DEM/63: 10pp.
Butterworth, D.S. and Rademeyer, R.A. An outline of the primary objective for hake discussions during the 2014 International Stock Assessment Review Workshop. International Stock Assessment Review Workshop document: MARAM/IWS/DEC14/Hake/P1: 3pp.
Butterworth, D.S. and Rademeyer, R.A. First cut at broad model specifications for the development of transboundary hake stock assessments. International Stock Assessment Review Workshop document: MARAM/IWS/DEC14/Hake/P10: 4pp.
Butterworth, D.S. An overview of the MARAM/IWS/DEC14/Peng/B series of documents. International Stock Assessment Review Workshop document: MARAM/IWS/DEC14/Peng/B1: 3pp.
Butterworth, D.S. A composite proposal related to the penguin colony closure programme. International Stock Assessment Review Workshop document: MARAM/IWS/DEC14/Peng/B2: 7pp.
Butterworth, D.S and Robinson, W.M.L. Comments on the Weller et al. Robben Island penguin model simulations, in particular as regards the impact on penguins of fishing restrictions around the island. International Stock Assessment Review Workshop document: MARAM/IWS/DEC14/Peng/B7: 13 pp.
Butterworth, D.S., Moosa, N. and Johnston, S.J. Do catch-based indices provide a reliable index of annual recruitment for the South African anchovy population? International Stock Assessment Review Workshop document: MARAM/IWS/DEC14/Peng/B9. 21pp.
Butterworth, D.S. Responses to reservations raised concerning the GLM analyses of and inferences drawn from the results from the island closure feasibility study. International Stock Assessment Review Workshop document: MARAM/IWS/DEC14/Peng/B10. 14pp.
Butterworth, D.S. and Robinson, W.M.L. Responses to previous panel recommendations on penguin research. International Stock Assessment Review Workshop document: MARAM/IWS/DEC14/Peng/B11. 13pp.
Butterworth, D.S., Moosa, N., Furman, L.B., Robinson, W.M.L. and Johnston, S.J. Updated analyses of the results from the Island Closure Feasibility Study for the Dassen/Robben and St Croix/Bird Island pairs given revised data and responses to matters raised in documents. International Stock Assessment Review Workshop document: MARAM/IWS/DEC14/Peng/B12. 68pp.
Butterworth, D.S. and Robinson, W.M.L. Responses to matters raised in documents MARAM/IWS/DEC14/Peng/A1 and Peng/A2. International Stock Assessment Review Workshop document: MARAM/IWS/DEC14/Peng/B13. 14pp.
Butterworth, D.S. Responses to matters raised in document MARAM/IWS/DEC14/Peng/A4. International Stock Assessment Review Workshop document: MARAM/IWS/DEC14/Peng/B14. 2pp.
Butterworth, D.S. and Ross-Gillespie, A. Taking account of sample size in the GLM analyses of the response variable data from the island closure feasibility study. International Stock Assessment Review Workshop document: MARAM/IWS/DEC14/Peng/B15. 6pp.
Butterworth, D.S., Moosa, N., Ross-Gillespie, A. and Robinson, W.M.L. Responses to questions from the panel, 6 November 2014. International Stock Assessment Review Workshop document: MARAM/IWS/DEC14/Peng/B16. 10pp.
Butterworth, D.S. and Moosa, N. Corrections to updated analyses of the results from the Island Closure Feasibility Study for the Dassen/Robben Island pair given in Appendix A of MARAM/IWS/DEC14/Peng/B12. International Stock Assessment Review Workshop document: MARAM/IWS/DEC14/Peng/B17. 10pp.
Butterworth, D.S. and Moosa, N. On the measurement error effect on estimates of the effect of fishing parameter \lambda. International Stock Assessment Review Workshop document: MARAM/IWS/DEC14/Peng/WP3. 4pp.
Butterworth, D.S. On the potential impact of any catch correlation with biomass on estimates of the effect of fishing parameter \lambda. International Stock Assessment Review Workshop document: MARAM/IWS/DEC14/Peng/WP5. 3pp.
de Moor, C.L., Coetzee, J.C. and Butterworth, D.S. Initial exploration of available data to estimate sardine recruitment on the south coast. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2014/FEB/SWG-PEL/01: 5pp.
de Moor, C.L. Model projections from November 2003. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2014/MAR/SWG-PEL/11: 5pp
de Moor, C.L. A proposal for a way forward to deal with alternative sardine stock structure hypotheses. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2014/MAR/SWG-PEL/20: 3 pp.
de Moor, C.L.and Butterworth, D.S. Autocorrelated sardine movement. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2014/MAR/SWG-PEL/21: 5pp.
de Moor, C.L. and Butterworth, D.S. Exploring options for spatially disaggregated directed sardine catch under OMP-14. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2014/MAY/SWG-PEL/25rev: 12pp.
de Moor, C.L. Options for OMP-14. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2014/JUN/SWG-PEL/26rev: 18pp.
de Moor, C.L. and van der Westhuizen, J. Monitoring the proportion of directed sardine catch west and east of Cape Agulhas. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2014/APR/SWG-PEL/31: 3pp.
de Moor, C.L. Final anchovy TAC and sardine TAB for 2014, using interim OMP-13v3. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2014/JUN/SWG-PEL/36: 4pp.
de Moor, C.L. and van der Westhuizen, J. Monitoring the proportion of directed sardine catch west and east of Cape Agulhas: update to end of June. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2014/JUN/SWG-PEL/41rev: 4 pp.
de Moor, C.L. and Coetzee, J. Some initial ideas for data required before the next assessments for sardine and anchovy. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2014/JUL/SWG-PEL/43: 5pp.
de Moor, C.L. Further testing of “top-up” rules for the directed sardine TAC in OMP-14. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2014/SEP/SWG-PEL/45: 14pp.
de Moor, C.L. and van der Westhuizen, J. Monitoring the proportion of directed sardine catch west and east of Cape Agulhas: update to end of July. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2014/AUG/SWG-PEL/46: 4pp.
de Moor, C.L. OMP-14: Alternative initial directed sardine TAC Rules. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2014/OCT/SWG-PEL/53: 23pp.
de Moor, C.L. The agreed sardine ‘top-up’ harvest control rule for OMP-14. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2014/OCT/SWG-PEL/59: 5pp.
de Moor, C.L. and Butterworth, D.S. OMP-14. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2014/NOV/SWG-PEL/60: 27pp.
de Moor, C.L. Initial directed sardine and anchovy TACs and TABs for 2015, using OMP-14. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2014/DEC/SWG-PEL/64: 5pp.
de Moor, C.L. A short comment on Weller et al. (2014). DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2014/MAR/SWG-PEL/22: 1pp.
de Moor, C.L., Butterworth, D.S., van der Lingen, C.D. and Coetzee, J.C. Alternative hypotheses of two mixing stocks of South African sardine: Initial testing. International Stock Assessment Review Workshop document. MARAM/IWS/DEC14/Sardine/P2. 20pp.
de Moor, C.L., Butterworth, D.S. and van der Lingen, C.D. Key issues for discussion regarding prioritisation of future sardine research. International Stock Assessment Review Workshop document. MARAM/IWS/DEC14/Sardine/P3. 4pp.
de Moor, C.L. Alternative hypotheses of two mixing stocks of South African sardine: Some projections assuming no future catch. International Stock Assessment Review Workshop document. MARAM/IWS/DEC14/Sardine/P4. 28pp.
de Moor, C.L. Movement estimated by the alternative hypotheses of two mixing stocks of South African sardine. International Stock Assessment Review Workshop document. MARAM/IWS/DEC14/Sardine/P5. 4pp.
de Moor, C.L. and Butterworth, D.S. Overview of Background Documents. International Stock Assessment Review Workshop document. MARAM/IWS/DEC14/Sardine/BG1. 1pp.
de Moor, C.L., Butterworth, D.S., Coetzee, J.C. and van der Lingen, C.D. Progress report on recommendations from the International review panel report for the 2013 International Fisheries Stock Assessment Workshop: Sardine. International Stock Assessment Review Workshop document. MARAM/IWS/DEC14/Sardine/BG2. 5pp.
de Moor, C.L. and Butterworth, D.S. Application of the “River Model” to estimate the impact of fishing on the amount of anchovy available to west coast penguin colonies. International Stock Assessment Review Workshop document: MARAM/IWS/DEC14/Peng/B5. 12pp.
Furman, L.B. Modifications to rules - Summary. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2014/JUN/SWG-PEL/34: 2pp.
Furman, L.B. and Butterworth, D.S. Modification to TAC rule for directed midwater catches of horse mackerel to incorporate a revised CPUE series. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2014/OCT/SWG-DEM/59: 2pp.
Johnston, S.J. and Butterworth, D.S. Initial SCRL OMP-2014 results. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2014/FEB/SWG-SCRL/01: 16pp.
Johnston, S.J. and Butterworth, D.S. Further SCRL OMP development. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2014/JUN/SWG-SCRL/02: 10pp.
Johnston, S.J. and Butterworth, D.S. Final SCRL OMP candidates. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2014/JUL/SWG-SCRL/04: 14pp.
Johnston, S.J. and Butterworth, D.S. Final SCRL OMP candidates to be considered for OMP 2014. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2014/AUG/SWG-SCRL/06: 6pp.
Johnston, S.J., Butterworth, D.S. and Glazer, J.P. South Coast rock lobster OMP 2014: Initial specifications. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2014/SEP/SWG-SCRL/07: 14pp.
Johnston, S.J. and Butterworth, D.S. West Coast rock lobster: the 2013/2014 recreational season. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2014/JUN/SWG-WCRL/01: 6pp.
Johnston, S.J. Assumptions regarding west coast rock lobster poaching scenarios for 2014 updated assessments. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2014/JUN/SWG-WCRL/08: 3pp.
Johnston, S.J. Resource indices for each super-area compared with the threshold levels below which Exceptional Circumstances is invoked. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2014/JUL/SWG-WCRL/13: 6pp.
Johnston, S.J. Updated 2014 assessments for west coast rock lobster. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2014/JUL/SWG-WCRL/14: 22pp.
Johnston, S.J. and Butterworth, D.S. Projections under constant catches for each West Coast rock lobster super-area (excluding Dassen). DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2014/AUG/SWG-WCRL/16: 10pp.
Johnston, S.J. and Butterworth, D.S. Further projections under constant catches for each West Coast rock lobster super-area (excluding Dassen). DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2014/AUG/SWG-WCRL/18: 6pp.
Rademeyer, R.A. Taking account of the new longline data in the updated Reference Case for the South African hake resource. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2014/APR/SWG-DEM/HSATT/01: 11pp.
Rademeyer, R.A. An updated Reference Case for the South African hake resource. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2014/APR/SWG-DEM/HSATT/02: 11pp.
Rademeyer, R.A. Proposed Reference Set for the South African hake resource. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2014/APR/SWG-DEM/HSATT/03: 1pp.
Rademeyer, R.A. and Butterworth, D.S. Results leading to a proposal for the reference set of operating models for testing the 2014 OMP revision for the South African hake resource. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2014/JUN/SWG-DEM/14: 14pp.
Rademeyer, R.A. Hake Candidate Management Procedure testing methodology. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2014/JULY/SWG-DEM/22: 11pp. (Also MARAM/IWS/DEC14/Hake/BG11)
Rademeyer, R.A. and Butterworth, D.S. Management Procedure projections under the updated Reference Set. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2014/JULY/SWG-DEM/23: 7pp.
Rademeyer, R.A. and Butterworth, D.S. Candidate management procedures projections for the South African hake resource. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2014/AUG/SWG-DEM/33: 15pp.
Rademeyer, R.A. and Butterworth, D.S. Further candidate management procedures projections for the South African hake resource. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2014/AUG/SWG-DEM/41: 28 pp.
Rademeyer, R.A. and Butterworth, D.S. Yet further CMP projections for the South African hake resource. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHEREIS/2014/SEP/SWG-DEM/44: 13pp.
Rademeyer, R.A. and Butterworth, D.S. Final CMP projections for the South African hake resource. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2014/OCT/SWG-DEM/52: 18pp. (Also MARAM/IWS/DEC14/Hake/BG12)
Rademeyer, R.A. Output from the South African hake OMP-2014 for the 2015 TAC recommendation. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2014/OCT/SWG-DEM/58: 4pp.
Rademeyer, R.A., Butterworth, D.S., Cooper, R., Durholtz, M.D., Fairweather, T.P., Glazer, J.P., Leslie, R.W., Singh, L. and Somhlaba, S. The 2014 Operational Management Procedure for the South African Merluccius paradoxus and M. capensis resources. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2014/OCT/SWG-DEM/64: 28pp.
Rademeyer, R.A. and Butterworth, D.S. Specifications of the South African hake 2014 reference case assessment. International Stock Assessment Workshop document: MARAM/IWS/DEC14/Hake/P2. 26pp.
Rademeyer, R.A. An initial attempt at a spatially structured stock assessment for the South African hake resource including movement based on a gravity model. International Stock Assessment Review Workshop document. MARAM/IWS/DEC14/Hake/P5. 38pp.
Rademeyer, R.A., Durholtz, D. and Singh, L. South African hake resource – collation of some biological information. International Stock Assessment Review Workshop document: MARAM/IWS/DEC14/Hake/BG4: 7pp.
Rademeyer, R.A. and Butterworth, D.S. Responses to previous panel recommendations on hake research. International Stock Assessment Review Workshop document. MARAM/IWS/DEC14/Hake/BG13: 11pp.
Robinson, W.M.L. and Butterworth, D.S. Island closure feasibility study power analysis. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2014/FEB/SWG-PEL/06: 2pp.
Robinson, W.M.L. and Butterworth, D.S. An analysis of the small scale surveys of anchovy abundance around Robben and Dassen islands from 2009 to 2013. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2014/JUL/SWG-PEL/39: 14pp.
Robinson, W.M.L. and Butterworth, D.S. Island closure feasibility study power analysis results for Dassen and Robben islands. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2014/MAR/SWG-PEL/ICTT/05: 14pp.
Robinson, W.M.L. and Butterworth, D.S. Comments on the benefit to penguins of fishing restrictions around Robben Island predicted by Weller et al. Robben Island penguin model simulations. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2014/MAR/SWG-PEL/ICTT/07: 4pp.
Robinson, W.M.L. and Butterworth, D.S Penguin island closure feasibility study analysis results update: random effects models applied to both Western and Eastern Cape islands. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2014/APR/SWG-PEL/ICTT/18: 17pp.
Robinson, W.M.L., Butterworth, D.S. and Furman, L.B. Analyses of the results from the island closure feasibility study for the Dassen/Robben and St Croix/Bird Island Pairs. International Stock Assessment Review Workshop document: MARAM/IWS/DEC14/Peng/B4: 29pp.
Ross-Gillespie, A. and Butterworth, D.S. Does parasite infection definitely increase for sardine aged 2 and above on the south coast? DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2014/JUL/SWG-PEL/42: 5pp.
Ross-Gillespie, A. and Butterworth, D.S. Modelling cannibalism and inter-species predation for Cape hake Merluccius capensis and M. paradoxus: an update to MARAM/IWS/DEC13/ECOFISH/P10. International Stock Assessment Review Workshop document: MARAM/IWS/DEC14/Hake/P8: 25pp.
Somhlaba, S, Brandão, A., Butterworth, D.S. and van der Westhuizen, J. Preliminary results of observer effect on pelagic fleet taking into account observer data from 1999 to 2011. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2014/APR/SWG-PEL/28: 6pp.


Furman, L. B. Using Management Strategy Evaluation to address problems arising as a result of competing users of the South African horse mackerel resource. MSc Thesis, viii + 132 pp.
Geromont, H. F. Effective fisheries management with few data: a Management Procedure approach. PhD Thesis, vi + 254 pp.