| Blamey, L. and Plagányi, É.E. EAF considerations for Abalone—summary of East of Cape Hangklip multispecies model. Marine and Coastal Management document: MCM/2008/AUG/SWG–AB/01: 1–4. |
| Brandão, A. and D.S. Butterworth. An updated assessment of the South African kingklip resource including some sensitivity tests. Marine and Coastal Management document: MCM/2008/FEB/SWG-DEM/03 Rev2: 1–26. |
| Brandão, A. and D.S. Butterworth. A "Replacement Yield" model fit to catch and survey data for the south coast kingklip resource of South Africa. Marine and Coastal Management document: MCM/2008/FEB/SWG-DEM/07: 1–8. |
| Brandão, A. and D.S. Butterworth. Data required for the planned assessment of the South African kingklip resource in 2008. Marine and Coastal Management document: MCM/2008/JUL/SWG-DEM/36: 1–1. |
| Brandão, A. and D.S. Butterworth. Plans for assessment analyses for the South African kingklip resource in 2008. Marine and Coastal Management document: MCM/2008/SEP/SWG-DEM/53: 1–1. |
| Brandão, A. and D.S. Butterworth. Data presently available for the South African kingklip resource assessment. Marine and Coastal Management document: MCM/2008/OCT/SWG-DEM/61: 1–9. |
| Brandão, A. and D.S. Butterworth. Updated assessment of the South African kingklip resource including an initial attempt at including catch-at-length data. Marine and Coastal Management document: MCM/2008/NOV/SWG-DEM/75: 1–30. |
| Brandão, A. and D.S. Butterworth. Initial assessment of the South Coast kingklip resource (in isolation) including catch-at-length data. MARAM international workshop, University of Cape Town, December 8–12 2008: MARAM IWS/DEC08/K/2: 1–16. |
| Butterworth, D.S. On the suggestion that a Traffic Light-based management system be considered for the South African squid resource. Marine and Coastal Management document: SWG–04–08–SQ3: 1–4. |
| Butterworth, D.S. and Rademeyer, R.A. A preliminary SCAA/ASPM assessment of white hake. US North East Fisheries Science Centre GARM WP4.L.1: 1–12. |
| Butterworth, D.S. and Rademeyer, R.A. SCAA/ASPM assessments of white hake incorporating data to 2007. US North East Fisheries Science Centre GARM WP1.L.b: 1–15. |
| Butterworth, D.S. and Rademeyer, R.A. Statistical catch-at-age analysis vs ADAPT-VPA: the case of Gulf of Maine cod. GARM-III working paper 2.2–a: 1–70. |
| Butterworth, D.S. and Rademeyer, R.A. Updated SCAA/ASPM assessment of Gulf of Maine Cod. US North East Fisheries Science Centre GARM WP4.F.1: 1–29. |
| Butterworth, D.S. and Rademeyer, R.A. Addendum: Updated SCAA/ASPM assessment of Gulf of Maine Cod. US North East Fisheries Science Centre GARM WP4.F.1a: 1–4. |
| Butterworth, D.S. and Rademeyer, R.A. On drawing inferences concerning trends in selectivity with age from tag-recapture information. Supplement 2 to GARM-III TOR2: 1–7. |
| Butterworth, D.S. and Rademeyer, R.A. On the implication of tagging analyses for the shape of selectivity at age for Gulf of Maine Cod. US North East Fisheries Science Centre GARM WP4.8 (Supplementary): 1–5. |
| Butterworth, D.S. and Rademeyer, R.A. Some further runs of ASPM/SCAA for Gulf of Maine Cod. US North East Fisheries Science Centre GARM WP4.8a: 1–4. |
| Butterworth, D.S. and Rademeyer, R.A. Further SCAA/ASPM assessments of Gulf of Maine Cod including data for 2007 and exploring the impact of age-dependence in natural mortality. US North East Fisheries Science Centre GARM WP1.F.b: 1–17. |
| Butterworth, D.S. and Rademeyer, R.A. Addendum: Further SCAA/ASPM assessments of Gulf of Maine Cod including data for 2007 and exploring the impact of age-dependence in natural mortality. US North East Fisheries Science Centre GARM Addendum 1.F.b: 1–6. |
| Butterworth, D.S. and Rademeyer, R.A. Application of an Age-Structured Production Model to the Georges Bank Yellowtail Flounder. GARM-III working paper 2.5: 1–18. |
| Butterworth, D.S. and Rademeyer, R.A. Suggested timetable for assessment-related analyses for the South African hake resource. Marine and Coastal Management document: MCM/2008/JUN/SWG-DEM/11: 1–3. |
| Butterworth, D.S. A brief summary regarding the status of and prospects for the South African hake resource. Marine and Coastal Management document MCM/2008/NOV/SWG-DEM/74: 1–4. |
| Butterworth, D.S., Rademeyer, R.A. and Johnston, S.J. Estimates of sustainable rock lobster yield for the four islands of the Tristan da Cunha group. Document MARAM/TRISTAN/08/Jun/01: 1–8. |
| Butterworth, D.S. Implications of a new survey estimate of the size of the West Coast rock lobster recreational catch. Document MCM/2008/JUL/SWG-WCRL/08: 1–3. |
| Cunningham, C.L. and Butterworth, D.S. Re-evaluation of risk thresholds for sardine and anchovy. Marine and Coastal Management document: MCM/2008/SWG–PEL/01: 1–7. |
| Cunningham, C.L. and Butterworth, D.S. Exceptional circumstances provisions for OMP-08: initial evaluations. Marine and Coastal Management document: MCM/2008/SWG–PEL/02: 1–21. |
| Cunningham, C.L. and Butterworth, D.S. Data available for SARP analyses. Marine and Coastal Management document: MCM/2008/SWG–PEL/05B: 1–5. |
| Cunningham, C.L. and Butterworth, D.S. Further analyses regarding the exceptional circumstances provisions for OMP-08. Marine and Coastal Management document: MCM/2008/SWG–PEL/07: 1–19. |
| Cunningham, C.L. and Butterworth, D.S. Proposed final OMP-08. Marine and Coastal Management document: MCM/2008/SWG–PEL/09: 1–42. |
| Cunningham, C.L. and Butterworth, D.S. Further considerations for OMP-08. Marine and Coastal Management document: MCM/2008/SWG–PEL/09B: 1–19. |
| Cunningham, C.L. and Butterworth, D.S. Adjusted anchovy assessment with implications for OMP-08. Marine and Coastal Management document: MCM/2008/SWGPEL/10: 1–7. |
| de Moor, C.L. and Butterworth, D.S. Updated sardine assessment. Marine and Coastal Management document: MCM/2008/SWG–PEL/22 (also MARAM IWS/DEC08/S/1): 1–11. |
| de Moor, C.L. and Butterworth, D.S. OMP-08. Marine and Coastal Management document: MCM/2008/SWG–PEL/23 (also MARAM IWS/DEC08/S/2): 1–15. |
| de Moor, C.L. Adjustment to OMP-08 to Allow for Penguin Foraging at Low Pelagic Biomass. Marine and Coastal Management document: MCM/2008/SWG–PEL/29: 1–3. |
| de Moor, C.L. and Butterworth, D.S. Initial Sardine and Anchovy TACs and Sardine TAB for 2009, Using OMP-08. Marine and Coastal Management document: MCM/2008/SWGPEL/36: 1–3. |
| de Moor, C.L. Assessment of the South African sardine resource. MARAM international workshop, University of Cape Town, December 8–12 2008: MARAM IWS/DEC08/S/3: 1–17. |
| de Moor, C.L., Butterworth, D.S., Durholtz, D. and van der Lingen, C. Progress on recommendations from previous workshop: sardine and anchovy. MARAM international workshop, University of Cape Town, December 8–12 2008: MARAM IWS/DEC08/S/4: 1–11. |
| de Moor, C.L., Coetzee, J.C. and Butterworth, D.S. The derivation of sardine length frequency distributions from November surveys. MARAM international workshop, University of Cape Town, December 8–12 2008: MARAM IWS/DEC08/S/5: 1–8. |
| de Moor, C.L., and Durholtz, D. Reconsidering the proportions-at-age observed in the November survey. MARAM international workshop, University of Cape Town, December 8–12 2008: MARAM IWS/DEC08/S/8: 1–5. |
| Edwards, C. and Butterworth, D.S. Towards standardisation of the longline CPUE series from the lobster fisheries around Inaccessible, Nightingale and Gough islands. Document MARAM/TRISTAN/08/Mar/01: 1–12. |
| Edwards, C. and Butterworth, D.S. Preliminary data for the stock assessments of lobster fisheries around Inaccessible, Gough and Nightingale islands. Document MARAM/TRISTAN/08/Mar/02: 1–10. |
| Edwards, C. and Plagányi, É.E. Current status of MPA simulation modelling for the South African hake trawl fishery. Marine and Coastal Management document: MCM/2008/FEB/SWG-DEM/04: 1–2. |
| Findlay, K. and Johnston, S.J. Detailed maps covering the breeding areas and migration routes of C1 and C3 humpback whales, along with some details pertaining to the photo-ID data. MARAM international workshop, University of Cape Town, December 8–12 2008: MARAM IWS/DEC08/HB/6: 1–10. |
| Glazer, J.P. and Butterworth, D.S. Size composition of male and female South Coast rock lobsters per season and area. WG/04/08/SCRL9: 1–16. |
| Glazer, J.P. and Butterworth, D.S. A Generalized Linear Model applied to the South Cape rock lobster CPUE data to obtain area-specific indices of abundance. WG/04/08/SCRL10: 1–16. |
| Glazer, J.P. and Butterworth, D.S. Alternative calculation of catches per Area in the South Coast rock lobster fishery. Marine and Coastal Management document: WG/05/2008/SCRL16: 1–6. |
| Glazer, J.P. and Butterworth, D.S. Further squid statistics relevant to the data cleaning process. Marine and Coastal Management document: MCM/2008/JUL/SWG–SQ/03: 1–12. |
| Glazer, J.P., Butterworth, D.S. and Leslie, R.W. Further analyses of the GLM trends for M. paradoxus and M. capensis. MCM/2008/OCT/SWG-DEM/59: 1–10. |
| Johnston, S.J. and Butterworth, D.S. The Age-Structured Production Model for the South Coast rock lobster population extended to be sex- and area-specific, to fit to catch-at-length data, and to use Pope's approximation. Marine and Coastal Management document: WG/02/08/SCRL01: 1–11. |
| Johnston, S.J. and Butterworth, D.S. Preliminary results of the Sex- and Area-specific Age-Structured Production Model for the South Coast rock lobster population. Marine and Coastal Management document: WG/02/08/SCRL02: 1–10. |
| Johnston, S.J. and Butterworth, D.S. Further results for the Sex- and Area-specific Age-Structured Production Model for the South Coast rock lobster resource. Marine and Coastal Management document: WG/03/08/SCRL3: 1–24. |
| Johnston, S.J. and Butterworth, D.S. Preliminary specifications for the sex- and area-specific Operating Models for testing OMPs for the South Coast rock lobster resource. Marine and Coastal Management document: WG/04/08/SCRL12: 1–19. |
| Johnston, S.J. and Butterworth, D.S. Near final specifications for the sex- and area-specific Operating Models for testing OMPs for the South Coast rock lobster resource. Marine and Coastal Management document: WG/05/08/SCRL17: 1–28. |
| Johnston, S.J. and Butterworth, D.S. Initial OMP results for the South Coast rock lobster resource OMP. Marine and Coastal Management document: MCM/2008/JUN/SWG–SCRL/21: 1–11. |
| Johnston, S.J. and Butterworth, D.S. Further OMP results for the South Coast Rock Lobster resource OMP. Marine and Coastal Management document: MCM/2008/JUN/SWGSCRL/23: 1–10. |
| Johnston, S.J. and Butterworth, D.S. Addendum to: Further OMP results for the South Coast rock lobster resource OMP. Marine and Coastal Management document: MCM/2008/JUL/SWG–SCRL/24: 1–3. |
| Johnston, S.J. and Butterworth, D.S. Final set of OMP results for the South Coast rock lobster resource OMP. Marine and Coastal Management document: MCM/2008/JUL/SWGSCRL/26: 1–10. |
| Johnston, S.J. and Butterworth, D.S. Results for the final OMP 2008 selected for the South Coast rock lobster resource. Marine and Coastal Management document: MCM/2008/AUG/SWG–SCRL/28: 1–3. |
| Johnston, S.J. and Butterworth, D.S. Recommended TAC 2008 from the new OMP for the South Coast rock lobster resource. Marine and Coastal Management document: MCM/2008/AUG/SWG–SCRL/29: 1–5. |
| Johnston, S.J., Butterworth, D.S. and Glazer, J.P. OMP 2008 for South Coast rock lobster resource. Marine and Coastal Management document: MCM/2008/AUG/SWG–SCRL/30: 1–8. |
| Johnston, S.J. and Butterworth, D.S. OMP 2007 re-cast to be used for setting TACs for the West Coast rock lobster fishery for the 2008+ seasons. Marine and Coastal Management document: MCM/2008/JUN/SWG–WCRL/01: 1–20. |
| Johnston, S.J. and Butterworth, D.S. OMP 2007 re-cast results for West Coast rock lobster. Marine and Coastal Management document: MCM/2008/JUL/SWG–WCRL/06: 1–3. |
| Johnston, S.J., Butterworth, D.S. and Glazer, J.P. TAC 2008 for West Coast rock lobster using OMP 2007 re-cast. Marine and Coastal Management document: MCM/2008/AUG/SWG–WCRL/16: 1–13. |
| Johnston, S.J. and Butterworth, D.S. Corrected TAC recommendations for the 2008 season using OMP 2007 re-cast. Marine and Coastal Management document: MCM/2008/AUG/SWG–WCRL/16a: 1–2. |
| Johnston, S.J. Interim relief for the West Coast rock lobster fisheries. Marine and Coastal Management document: MCM/2008/DEC/SWG–WCRL/18: 1–1. |
| Johnston, S.J., Brandão, A., Edwards, C.T.T. and Butterworth, D.S. Standardised longline lobster CPUE from Inaccessible Island for the 1996–2005 period. Document MARAM/TRISTAN/08/May/01: 1–17. |
| Johnston, S.J. and Butterworth, D.S. Nominal longline CPUE from Gough and Nightingale lobster fisheries. Document MARAM/TRISTAN/08/May/02: 1–7. |
| Johnston, S.J. A summary of the Tristan biomass index survey results to date. Document MARAM/TRISTAN/08/Nov/01: 1–5. |
| Johnston, S.J. and Butterworth, D.S. Further possible movement hypotheses for C1–C3 humpback whales. MARAM international workshop, University of Cape Town, December 8–12 2008: MARAM IWS/DEC08/HB/8: 1–5. |
| Miller, D.C.M., Shelton, P.A., Healey, B.P., Brodie, W.B., Morgan, M.J., Butterworth, D.S., Alpoim, R., González, D., González, F., Fernandez, C., Ianelli, J., Mahé, J., Mosqueira, I., Scott, R. and Vazquez, A. Management strategy evaluation for Greenland halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides) in NAFO Subarea 2 and Divisions 3LKMNO. Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organisation SCR Document 08/25: 1–50. |
| Plagányi, É.E. and Butterworth, D.S. Sensitivity of abalone assessment model to having no recent commercial data. Marine and Coastal Management document: Marine and Coastal Management abalone task group document June, 2008: 1–6. |
| Plagányi, É.E. and Butterworth, D.S. Retrospective and exploratory analyses using the abalone ASPM for Zones A–D. Marine and Coastal Management document: MCM/2008/NOV/SWG/AB/15: 1–20. |
| Plagányi, É.E. Abalone confiscation numbers and trends summary for Zones A–D in 2008. Marine and Coastal Management document: MCM/2008/NOV/SWG/AB/17: 1–8. |
| Plagányi, É.E. Abalone spatial and age-structured assessment model preliminary results for Zones A, B, C and D in 2008. Marine and Coastal Management document: MCM/2008/NOV/SWG/AB/18: 1–26. |
| Plagányi, É.E. Further results using the 2008 abalone assessment model for Zones A, B, C and D. Marine and Coastal Management document: MCM/2008/NOV/SWG/AB/20: 1–19. |
| Plagányi, É.E. Reference-case 2008 assessment model for abalone in Zones A, B, C and D. Marine and Coastal Management document: MCM/2008/NOV/SWG/AB/21: 1–36. |
| Plagányi, É.E. Preliminary analysis of catch-per-unit-effort data for abalone in Zones A–D. Marine and Coastal Management abalone task group document November, 2008: 1–5. |
| Plagányi, É.E. and Robinson, W. Update of available data for the African Penguin Spheniscus demersus model to be coupled to the pelagic OMP. Marine and Coastal Management document: MCM/2008/SWG–PEL/21a: 1–21. |
| Plagányi, É.E. and Robinson, W. Proposed performance statistics for evaluating the effects of pelagic fishing on African Penguin populations. Marine and Coastal Management document: MCM/2008/SWG–PEL/21c: 1–3. |
| Plagányi, É.E. and Robinson, W. Data inputs for the African Penguin Spheniscus demersus model to be coupled to the pelagic OMP. Marine and Coastal Management document: MCM/2008/DEC/SWG–PEL/26: 1–15. |
| Plagányi, É.E. and Robinson, W. Progress on recommendations from previous workshop: penguin–pelagic fish interactions. MARAM international workshop, University of Cape Town, December 8–12 2008: MARAM IWS/DEC08/P/1: 1–3. |
| Rademeyer, R.A. and Butterworth, D.S. Plans for assessment-related analyses for the South African hake resource in 2008. Marine and Coastal Management document: MCM/2008/FEB/SWG-DEM/05: 1–2. |
| Rademeyer, R.A. and Butterworth, D.S. Data required for planned assessment-related analyses for the South African hake resource in 2008. Marine and Coastal Management document: MCM/2008/FEB/SWG-DEM/13: 1–4. |
| Rademeyer, R.A. and Butterworth, D.S. Update on data required for planned assessment-related analyses for the South African hake resource in 2008. Marine and Coastal Management document: MCM/2008/JUL/SWG-DEM/35: 1–2. |
| Rademeyer, R.A. and Butterworth, D.S. 2008 routine update of the South African hake resource baseline assessment. Marine and Coastal Management document: MCM/2008/SEPT/SWG-DEM/48: 1–13. |
| Rademeyer, R.A. and Butterworth, D.S. Summary of ongoing analysis and further data queries for the South African hake. Marine and Coastal Management document: MCM/2008/SEPT/SWG-DEM/52: 1–3. |
| Rademeyer, R.A. and Butterworth, D.S. Implications of questions concerning the 2008 West Coast survey results for the 2009 TAC recommendation for hake. Marine and Coastal Management document: MCM/2008/NOV/SWG-DEM/71: 1–3. |
| Rademeyer, R.A. and Butterworth, D.S. Output from the South African hake OMP-2006 for the 2009 TAC recommendation. Marine and Coastal Management document: MCM/2008/NOV/SWG-DEM/73: 1–4. |
| Rademeyer, R.A. and Butterworth, D.S. Development of a new baseline assessment for the South African hake resource, incorporating catch-at-length information. MARAM international workshop, University of Cape Town, December 8–12 2008: MARAM IWS/DEC08/H/5: 1–21. |
| Rademeyer, R.A. and Butterworth, D.S. Do alternative assumptions for the baseline hake assessment lead to substantial changes in results. MARAM international workshop, University of Cape Town, December 8–12 2008: MARAM IWS/DEC08/H/6: 1–11. |
| Rademeyer, R.A. and Butterworth, D.S. An initial attempt at a sex-disaggregated assessment for the South African hake resource, fitting directly to age–length keys. MARAM international workshop, University of Cape Town, December 8–12 2008: MARAM IWS/DEC08/H/9: 1–4. |
| Rademeyer, R.A. and Butterworth, D.S. An initial attempt at a spatially structured stock assessment for the South African hake resource. MARAM international workshop, University of Cape Town, December 8–12 2008: MARAM IWS/DEC08/H/11: 1–12. |
| Rademeyer, R.A. Further hake results. MARAM international workshop, University of Cape Town, December 8–12 2008: MARAM IWS/DEC08/H/WP 1: 1–10. |
| Rademeyer, R.A., Cunningham, C.L. and Butterworth, D.S. Revised anchovy TAC and sardine TAB for 2008, using OMP-08. Marine and Coastal Management document: MCM/2008/SWG–PEL/13: 1–2. |
| Rademeyer, R.A. and Butterworth, D.S. Retrospective analysis for the Gulf of Maine cod ASPM reference case assessment. GARM-III working paper 2.2–b: 1–2. |
| Robinson, W. and Plagányi, É.E. Updated results from a Spatial Age-Structured Model of African Penguin populations for use in linking to the pelagic OMP testing process. Marine and Coastal Management document: MCM/2008/SWG–PEL/21b: 1–28. |
| Robinson, W., Plagányi, É.E. and Butterworth, D.S. Illustrative outputs of the age-structured model of African penguin populations for linking to the pelagic OMP testing process. Marine and Coastal Management document: MCM/2008/DEC/SWG–PEL/27: 1–10. |
| Robinson, W., Plagányi, É.E. and Butterworth, D.S. Summary of sensitivity analyses using the base-case penguin model. Marine and Coastal Management document: MCM/2008/DEC/SWG–PEL/28: 1–10. |
| Robinson, W. and Plagányi, É.E. Further analyses using the penguin model coupled to the pelagic OMP. Marine and Coastal Management document: MCM/2008/DEC/SWG–PEL/30: 1–10. |
| Robinson, W., de Moor, C.L. and Plagányi, É.E. Penguin/pelagic catch trade-off. Marine and Coastal Management document: MCM/2008/DEC/SWG–PEL/31: 1–2 |