| Brandăo, A. and Butterworth, D.S. Inclusion of skipper effect in the GLM standardisation of the CPUE abundance indices for orange roughy off Namibia. Report to Namibian Deepwater Fishing Industry: 1-12. |
| Brandăo, A. and Butterworth, D.S. Layman's summary: Inclusion of skipper effect in the GLM standardisation of the CPUE abundance indices for orange roughy off Namibia. Report to Namibian Deepwater Fishing Industry: 1-4. |
| Brandăo, A. and Butterworth, D.S. Standardised CPUE trends for South Johnies and for the combined Johnies and South Johnies aggregations. Namibian Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources document: DWFWG/WkShop/Mar07/Doc1: 1-4. |
| Brandăo, A. and Butterworth, D.S. Updated GLM standardised CPUE abundance indices for orange roughy for known aggregations off Namibia from 1994 to 2006. Namibian Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources document: DWFWG/WkShop/Feb07/Doc 2: 1-13. |
| Brandăo, A. and Butterworth, D.S. CPUE trends for South Johnies. Namibian Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources document: DWFWG/WkShop/Feb07/Doc 3: 1-2. |
| Brandăo, A. and Butterworth, D.S. Monthly trends in catch rates for the three main orange roughy aggregations. Namibian Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources document: DWFWG/WkShop/Feb07/Doc 4: 1-6. |
| Brandăo, A. and Butterworth, D.S. Age-structured production model assessments and projections including updated parameters to model the intermittent aggregation of Namibian orange roughy. Namibian Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources document: DWFWG/WkShop/Feb07/Doc 5: 1-43. |
| Brandăo, A. and Butterworth, D.S. An initial analysis of the power of monitoring certain indices to determine the effect of fishing on penguin reproductive success from an experiment where pelagic fishing is prohibited in the neighbourhood of Robben Island, but continues around Dassen Island. Marine and Coastal Management document: EAFWG/OCT2007/STG/04: 1-12. |
| Butterworth, D.S. Concerns re the report of the May 2006 workshop on "Finding a balance: white shark conservation and recreational safety in the inshore waters of Cape Town, South Africa", and suggested remedies. Report to Environmental Resource Management Department, City of Cape Town: 1-5. |
| Butterworth, D.S. On desirable extractions, evaluations and clarifications, possibly before the first meeting of the penguin modelling group. Marine and Coastal Management document: MCM/2007/FEB/SWG-PEL/05: 1-2. |
| Butterworth, D.S. and Plagányi, É.E. Leslie matrix based estimates of maximum growth rate for the African penguin population. SA sardine-anchovy and rock lobster resources international assessment workshop, University of Cape Town, July 9-13 2007: ASWS/JUL07/PENG/ASS/01: 1-3. |
| Butterworth, D.S. Some initial thoughts on evaluation of the power of an experiment to detect the effect on penguin reproductive success of closure of areas around breeding colonies to pelagic fishing. SA sardine-anchovy and rock lobster resources international assessment workshop, University of Cape Town, July 9-13 2007: ASWS/JUL07/PENG/ASS/04: 1. |
| Butterworth, D.S. Summary of key issues to be addressed. SA sardine-anchovy and rock lobster resources international assessment workshop, University of Cape Town, July 9-13 2007: ASWS/JUL07/ADM/SUM: 1-3. |
| Butterworth, D.S. and Johnston, S.J. Allowing for time-varying selectivity in South Coast rock lobster assessments. SA sardine-anchovy and rock lobster resources international assessment workshop, University of Cape Town, July 9-13 2007: ASWS/JUL07/SCRL/ASS/06: 1-2. |
| Butterworth, D.S. and Plagányi, É.E. Comments on the simple penguin model of SWG/EAF/SEABIRDS/13APR/01. Marine and Coastal Management document: SWG/EAF/SEABIRDS/13APR/04: 1-1. |
| Butterworth, D.S. and Plagányi, É.E. Why plots of results for the simple penguin model of SWG/EAF/SEABIRDS/13APR/01 are misleading, and some broader consequential implications. Marine and Coastal Management document: SWG/EAF/SEABIRDS/26APR07/02(and MCM/2007/MAY/SWG-PEL/11): 1-10. |
| Butterworth, D.S. On a strategy for taking EAF forward—next steps. Marine and Coastal Management document: SWG/EAF/SEP/02: 1. |
| Butterworth, D.S. and Brandăo, A. Some implications of proposed Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) in the Prince Edward Islands vicinity for the toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides) fishery. Report to Marine and Coastal Management document: 1-8. |
| Butterworth, D.S. and Brandăo, A. A rebuttal of some elements of the Attwood-Nel commentary on a previous analysis by the authors of some implications of a proposed MPA in the Prince Edward Islands vicinity, with some consequent suggestions. Report to Marine and Coastal Management document: 1-18. |
| Butterworth, D.S. and Rademeyer, R.A. Setting priorities for future hake research: how this is informed by the OMP robustness testing process. Marine and Coastal Management document: EAFWG/NOV2007/DEM/03: 1-18. |
| Butterworth, D.S. Would enhanced fecundity per unit mass for large hake likely have consequences for hake recruitment and for approaches to hake management? Marine and Coastal Management document: EAFWG/NOV2007/DEM/04: 1-6. |
| Cunningham, C.L. and Butterworth, D.S. The proposed issues to be addressed in the revision of the pelagic OMP. SA sardine-anchovy and rock lobster resources international assessment workshop, University of Cape Town, July 9-13 2007 ASWS/JUL07/PEL/ASS/1: 1-16. |
| Cunningham, C.L. and Butterworth, D.S. Preliminary results from the base case assessment of the South African anchovy resource. SA sardine-anchovy and rock lobster resources international assessment workshop, University of Cape Town, July 9-13 2007: ASWS/JUL07/PEL/ASS/3: 1-14. |
| Cunningham, C.L. and Butterworth, D.S. Base case assessment of the South African sardine resource. SA sardine-anchovy and rock lobster resources international assessment workshop, University of Cape Town, July 9-13 2007: ASWS/JUL07/PEL/ASS/4a: 1-20. |
| Cunningham, C.L. and Butterworth, D.S. Preliminary results from the base case assessment of the South African sardine resource. SA sardine-anchovy and rock lobster resources international assessment workshop, University of Cape Town, July 9-13 2007: ASWS/JUL07/PEL/ASS/4b: 1-10. |
| Cunningham, C.L. and Butterworth, D.S. Comparison of ALKs. Marine and Coastal Management document: MCM/2007/FEB/SWG-PEL/06: 1-2. |
| Cunningham, C.L. and Butterworth, D.S. Yet a further update: Proposals for issues to be addressed in the revision of the pelagic OMP. Marine and Coastal Management document: MCM/2007/FEB/SWG-PEL/07: 1-16. |
| Cunningham, C.L. and Butterworth, D.S. Proposed cut-off lengths to split recruits and adults for anchovy commercial landings. Marine and Coastal Management document: MCM/2007/FEB/SWG-PEL/08: 1-15. |
| Cunningham, C.L., Butterworth, D.S. and Coetzee, J. The estimation of uncapped acoustic survey biomass from capped data. Marine and Coastal Management document: MCM/2007/MAY/SWG-PEL/08: 1-14. |
| Cunningham, C.L. and Butterworth, D.S. The proposed issues to be addressed in the revision of the pelagic OMP. Marine and Coastal Management document: MCM/2007/MAY/SWG-PEL/09 |
| Cunningham, C.L. and van der Westhuisen, J.J. A record of the generation of data to be used in the anchovy assessment. Marine and Coastal Management document: MCM/2007/MAY/SWG-PEL/10: 1-13. |
| Cunningham, C.L., van der Westhuizen J.J., Durholtz D., and Coetzee J. A record of the generation of data used in the sardine and anchovy assessments. Marine and Coastal Management document: MCM/2007/SEPT/SWG-PEL/03 |
| Cunningham, C.L. and Butterworth, D.S. Assessment of the South African anchovy resource. Marine and Coastal Management document: MCM/2007/SEPT/SWG-PEL/05 |
| Cunningham, C.L. and Butterworth, D.S. Base case assessment of the South African sardine resource. Marine and Coastal Management document: MCM/2007/SEPT/SWG-PEL/06 |
| Cunningham, C.L. and Butterworth, D.S. OMP-08 development, with preliminary results. Marine and Coastal Management document: MCM/2007/OCT/SWG-PEL/04 |
| Cunningham, C.L. and Butterworth, D.S. Development and testing of OMP-08. Marine and Coastal Management document: MCM/2007/NOV/SWG-PEL/01 |
| Cunningham, C.L. and Butterworth, D.S. Proposed change of risk criteria for sardine and anchovy. Marine and Coastal Management document: MCM/2007/NOV/SWG-PEL/04: 1-5. |
| Cunningham, C.L. and Butterworth, D.S. "Straw2" OMP-08 under alternative recruitment scenarios. Marine and Coastal Management document: MCM/2007/NOV/SWG-PEL/05: 1-3. |
| Cunningham, C.L. and Butterworth, D.S. Initial sardine and anchovy TACs and sardine TAB for 2008, using OMP-08. Marine and Coastal Management document: MCM/2007/DEC/SWG-PEL/04 |
| De Decker, M., Edwards, C. and Butterworth, D.S. Allee effects and their potential relevance to exploited abalone populations. Marine and Coastal Management document: WG/AB/07/AUG/14: 1-5. |
| Durholtz, D. and Cunningham, C.L. Pelagic assessment data and key problems encountered in compiling these data, including sardine ageing. SA sardine-anchovy and rock lobster resources international assessment workshop, University of Cape Town, July 9-13 2007: ASWS/JUL07/PEL/DAT/1: 1-4. |
| Edwards, C., Hauck, M. and Plagányi, É. Investigating the use of interview data regarding the illegal sector in the stock assessments for abalone in Zones E and G. Marine and Coastal Management document: WG/AB/07/JUL/03: 1-4. |
| Edwards, C., Plagányi, É. and Butterworth, D.S. Preliminary GLM standardisation of the commercial CPUE series for abalone in Zones E and G from 1980 to 2007. Marine and Coastal Management document: WG/AB/07/AUG/15: 1-19. |
| Edwards, C. and Plagányi, É. Preliminary Schaefer model predictions of abalone dynamics in Zones E and G based on commercial CPUE data from 1980 to 2007. Marine and Coastal Management document: WG/AB/07/AUG/16: 1-18. |
| Edwards, C. and Hauck, M. Report from stakeholder interviews concerning abalone poaching in Zones E and G. Marine and Coastal Management document: WG/AB/07/AUG/17: 1-4. |
| Edwards, C., Hauck, M. and Plagányi, É. Participatory stock assessment of abalone in Zones E and G. Marine and Coastal Management document: WG/AB/07/AUG/18: 1-16. |
| Edwards, C., Plagányi, É., Brandăo, A. and Butterworth, D.S. Standardisation of the commercial CPUE series for abalone in Zones E and G from 1980 to 2007 using a mixed effects model. Marine and Coastal Management document: WG/AB/07/AUG/24: 1-12. |
| Edwards, C. and Plagányi, É. Schaefer model predictions of abalone dynamics in Zones E and G based on commercial CPUE data from 1980 to 2007. Marine and Coastal Management document: WG/AB/07/AUG/25: 1-18. |
| Edwards, C., Johnston, S.J. and Butterworth, D.S. Summary of lobster catch and effort data available from Gough, Inaccessible and Nightingale Islands: November 2007. Document MARAM/TRISTAN/07/NOV/03: 1-9. |
| Edwards, C. A beginner's guide to fisheries management. Document MARAM/TRISTAN/07/DEC/04: 1-3. |
| Edwards, C. Sources of data from the lobster fisheries on Inaccessible, Nightingale, Gough and Tristan da Cunha. Document MARAM/TRISTAN/07/DEC/05: 1-6. |
| Edwards, C. and Glass, J.P. Reconciliation of data from the lobster fisheries on Inaccessible, Nightingale and Gough Islands. Document MARAM/TRISTAN/07/DEC/06: 1-13. |
| Glazer, J.P. and Butterworth, D.S. Exploratory analyses of the South Coast rock lobster CPUE data. Marine and Coastal Management South Coast Rock Lobster task group meeting document E: 1-12. |
| Glazer, J.P. and Butterworth, D.S. A Generalized Linear Model applied to the South Coast rock lobster CPUE data to obtain area-specific indices of abundance. Marine and Coastal Management South Coast Rock Lobster task group meeting document. |
| Glazer, J.P. and Butterworth, D.S. Analyses of the South Coast rock lobster size frequency data. Marine and Coastal Management South Coast Rock Lobster task group meeting document F:1-7. |
| Johnston, S.J., Glazer, J.P. and Butterworth, D.S. December 2005 rock lobster International Workshop recommendations pertaining to West Coast rock lobster—progress made. SA sardine-anchovy and rock lobster resources international assessment workshop, University of Cape Town, July 9-13 2007: ASWS/JUL07/WCRL/BAC/01: 1-10. |
| Johnston, S.J. and Butterworth, D.S. A list of data inputs to the west coast rock lobster area-disaggregated assessments SA sardine-anchovy and rock lobster resources international assessment workshop, University of Cape Town, July 9-13 2007: ASWS/JUL07/WCRL/DAT/01: 1-4. |
| Johnston, S.J. and Butterworth, D.S. Underlying assumptions for the area-disaggregated stock assessment of west coast rock lobster. SA sardine-anchovy and rock lobster resources international assessment workshop, University of Cape Town, July 9-13 2007: ASWS/JUL07/WCRL/ASS/01: 1-6. |
| Johnston, S.J. and Butterworth, D.S. Final area-disaggregated assessment results for West Coast rock lobster. SA sardine-anchovy and rock lobster resources international assessment workshop, University of Cape Town, July 9-13 2007: ASWS/JUL07/WCRL/ASS/02: 1-4. |
| Johnston, S.J. and Butterworth, D.S. The new West Coast rock lobster OMP based on an area-disaggregated approach. SA sardine-anchovy and rock lobster resources international assessment workshop, University of Cape Town, July 9-13 2007: ASWS/JUL07/WCRL/MP/01: 1-18. |
| Johnston, S.J., and Butterworth, D.S. Results for the new West Coast rock lobster OMP. SA sardine-anchovy and rock lobster resources international assessment workshop, University of Cape Town, July 9-13 2007: ASWS/JUL07/WCRL/MP/02: 1-9. |
| Johnston, S.J., and Butterworth, D.S. Robustness test results associated with the new West Coast rock lobster OMP. SA sardine-anchovy and rock lobster resources international assessment workshop, University of Cape Town, July 9-13 2007: ASWS/JUL07/WCRL/MP/03: 1-9. |
| Johnston, S.J., Glazer, J.P., Bergh, M.O. and Butterworth, D.S. Recommendations made at the December 2005 rock lobster International Workshop relating to South Coast rock lobster—progress made. SA sardine-anchovy and rock lobster resources international assessment workshop, University of Cape Town, July 9-13 2007: ASWS/JUL07/SCRL/BAC/01: 1-3. |
| Johnston, S.J., and Butterworth, D.S. A list of data inputs to the south coast rock lobster assessments. SA sardine-anchovy and rock lobster resources international assessment workshop, University of Cape Town, July 9-13 2007: ASWS/JUL07/SCRL/DAT/01: 1-2. |
| Johnston, S.J., and Butterworth, D.S. The 2007 Age-Structured Production Model assessments and projections for the South Coast rock lobster resource—routine update using model fitting to catch-at-age data. SA sardine-anchovy and rock lobster resources international assessment workshop, University of Cape Town, July 9-13 2007: ASWS/JUL07/SCRL/ASS/01: 1-21. |
| Johnston, S.J., and Butterworth, D.S. The Age-Structured Production Model for the South Coast rock lobster population extended to be sex- and area-specific and to fit to catch-at-length data. SA sardine-anchovy and rock lobster resources international assessment workshop, University of Cape Town, July 9-13 2007: ASWS/JUL07/SCRL/ASS/02: 1-8. |
| Johnston, S.J., and Butterworth, D.S. Allowing for time-varying selectivity in South Coast rock lobster assessments. SA sardine-anchovy and rock lobster resources international assessment workshop, University of Cape Town, July 9-13 2007: ASWS/JUL07/SCRL/ASS/06: 1-2. |
| Johnston, S.J. and Butterworth, D.S. Further area-disaggregated OMP results for the west coast rock lobster resource. Marine and Coastal Management document: WG/04/07/WCRL01: 1-21. |
| Johnston, S.J. and Butterworth, D.S. Possible robustness and other tests for the 2007 area-disaggregated OMP testing for the west coast rock lobster. Marine and Coastal Management document: WG/04/07/WCRL02: 1-9. |
| Johnston, S.J. and Butterworth, D.S. WCRL area-disaggregated OMP output: task group results. Marine and Coastal Management document: WG/05/07/WCRL03: 1-7. |
| Johnston, S.J. and Butterworth, D.S. Robustness test ranking scores and assessment results for "Category A" robustness tests. Marine and Coastal Management document: WG/05/07/WCRL04: 1-5. |
| Johnston, S.J. and Butterworth, D.S. Addendum to WG/08/07/WCRL11. Marine and Coastal Management document: AddendumWG/08/07/WCRL11: 1-6. |
| Johnston, S.J. and Butterworth, D.S. Addendum 2 to WG/08/07/WCRL11. Marine and Coastal Management document: Addendum2WG/08/07/WCRL11: 1-7. |
| Johnston, S.J. and Butterworth, D.S. Updated area-disaggregated OMP results for West Coast Rock Lobster. Marine and Coastal Management document: WG/08/07/WCRL11: 1-21. |
| Johnston, S.J. and Butterworth, D.S. Input data for the 2007 OMP. Marine and Coastal Management document: WG/08/07/WCRL13: 1-6. |
| Johnston, S.J. and Butterworth, D.S. Further OMP 2007 results for West Coast Rock Lobster. Marine and Coastal Management document: WG/08/07/WCRL18: 1-5. |
| Johnston, S.J. and Butterworth, D.S. The 2007 age-structured production model assessments and projections for the South Coast rock lobster resource—routine update using Pope's approximation model fitting to catch-at-age data including scenarios for time-varying selectivity. Marine and Coastal Management document: WG/08/07/SCL05: 1-29. |
| Johnston, S.J. and Butterworth, D.S. The South African horse mackerel assessment for 2007 using an age-structured production model, with future biomass projections. Marine and Coastal Management document: 2007/WG-DEM/HM10: 1-33. |
| Johnston S.J., Cunningham C.L., and Butterworth D.S. Revised anchovy TAC and sardine TAB for 2007, using Re-Revised OMP-04. Marine and Coastal Management document: MCM/2007/JUNE/SWG-PEL/03: 1-6. |
| Johnston, S.J. and Edwards, C.T.T. Catch and effort at Inaccessible Island: differences between logsheets and James Glass' records. Document MARAM/TRISTAN/07/JAN/1: 1-3. |
| Johnston, S.J. and Edwards, C.T.T. Catch and effort at Inaccessible Island. Document MARAM/TRISTAN/07/MAR/02: 1-2. |
| Plagányi, É.E. A spatial model of African penguin Spheniscus demersus populations in the Western Cape. Marine and Coastal Management document: SWG/EAF/SEABIRDS/JAN07/07: 1-21. |
| Plagányi, É.E. and Butterworth, D.S. Revised spatial Age-Structured model of African penguin Spheniscus demersus populations. Marine and Coastal Management document: SWG/EAF/SEABIRDS/13APR07/03: 1-32. |
| Plagányi, É.E. and Butterworth, D.S. Summary of available data for modelling African penguin Spheniscus demersus populations. Marine and Coastal Management document: MCM/2007/MAY/SWG-PEL/06a (and SWG/EAF/SEABIRDS/26APR07/01): 1-20. |
| Plagányi, É.E. and Butterworth, D.S. Spatial Age-Structured model of African penguin colonies at Robben, Dassen and Dyer Islands, and at Boulders. Marine and Coastal Management document: MCM/2007/MAY/SWG-PEL/06b: 1-30. |
| Plagányi, É.E. A summary of the assessment and management approach applied to South African abalone (Haliotis midae) in Zones A–D. Marine and Coastal Management document: WG/AB/07/JUN/01: 1-20. |
| Plagányi, É.E. Revisiting the Zone B abalone assessment. Marine and Coastal Management document: WG/AB/07/JUN/03: 1-6. |
| Plagányi, É.E., Butterworth, D.S. and Edwards, C. Suggestions of research priorities for South African abalone. Marine and Coastal Management document: WG/AB/07/JUN/05: 1-7. |
| Plagányi, É.E. and Edwards, C. Summary of estimated poaching levels in Zones A to D. Marine and Coastal Management document: WG/AB/07/AUG/08: 1-2. |
| Plagányi, É.E. Abalone poaching confiscation trends for Zones A–D up until 2007. Marine and Coastal Management document: WG/AB/07/AUG/11: 1-6. |
| Plagányi, É.E. and Edwards, C. Summary of the GLM used to standardize abalone catch-per-unit-effort data for Zones A–D over the period 1980–2006. Marine and Coastal Management document: WG/AB/07/AUG/19: 1-15. |
| Plagányi, É.E. Abalone spatial- and age-structured assessment model preliminary results for Zones A, B, C and D in 2007. Marine and Coastal Management document: WG/AB/07/AUG/20: 1-30. |
| Plagányi, É.E. Revised abalone confiscation estimates and CPUPE for Zones A–D in 2007. Marine and Coastal Management document: WG/AB/07/AUG/22: 1-6. |
| Plagányi, É.E. Further revisions to abalone data on poaching for Zones A–D in 2007. Marine and Coastal Management document: WG/AB/07/AUG/26: 1-5. |
| Plagányi, É.E. Projection results for Zones A, B, C and D in 2007. Marine and Coastal Management document: WG/AB/07/AUG/27: 1-11. |
| Plagányi, É.E. Projection results assuming closure of the abalone commercial fishery in Zones A, B, C and D. Marine and Coastal Management document: WG/AB/07/AUG/28: 1-2. |
| Plagányi, É.E. Selected notes on the use of ecosystem models for assessing the indirect ecosystem impacts of fisheries. Marine and Coastal Management document: EAFWG/NOV2007/DEM/06: 1-3. |
| Rademeyer, R.A. and Butterworth, D.S. 2007 Routine update of the South African hake baseline assessment. Marine and Coastal Management document: 2007:WG-Dem:H:08: 1-12. |
| Rademeyer, R.A. and Butterworth, D.S. Output from the South African Hake OMP-2006 for the 2008 TAC recommendation. Marine and Coastal Management document: 2007:WG-Dem:H:09: 1-4. |