| Brandăo, A. and Butterworth, D.S. Updated GLM standardised CPUE abundance indices for orange roughy off Namibia including records from 1994 to 2004. Namibian Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources document: DWFWG/WkShop/Mar05/doc1: 1–18. |
| Brandăo, A. and Butterworth, D.S. Updated assessment of Namibian orange roughy populations given further data. Namibian Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources document: DWFWG/WkShop/Mar05/doc2: 1–34. |
| Brandăo, A. and Butterworth, D.S. Further investigation of the orange roughy south of Johnies. Namibian Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources document: DWFWG/WkShop/Mar05/doc3: 1–12. |
| Brandăo, A. and Butterworth, D.S. Preliminary application of an Age-Structured Production Model to Namibian orange roughy populations incorporating commercial and survey catch-at-length data. Namibian Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources document: DWFWG/WkShop/Mar05/doc4: 1–23. |
| Brandăo, A. and Butterworth, D.S. Updated standardization of commercial CPUE data of Namibian hake for the period 1992 to 2004. Namibian Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources document: HWG/WkShop/2005/02/doc15: 1–8. |
| Brandăo, A. and Butterworth, D.S. Effect of time of tagging on the somatic growth of west coast rock lobster males. Marine and Coastal Management document: WG/07/05/WCRL10: 1–5. |
| Brandăo, A. and Butterworth, D.S. Updated standardised male west coast rock lobster somatic growth trend including data from the 2004/05 season. Marine and Coastal Management document: WG/07/05/WCRL11: 1–5. |
| Brandăo, A. and Butterworth, D.S. Fisheries Independent Monitoring Survey of the rock lobster resource of Southern Namibia (August). Component of Pisces Environmental Services (Pty) Ltd document for De Beers Marine Namibia: 1–12. |
| Brandăo, A. and Butterworth, D.S. Fisheries Independent Monitoring Survey of the rock lobster resource of Southern Namibia (October). Component of Pisces Environmental Services (Pty) Ltd document for De Beers Marine Namibia: 1–10. |
| Brandăo, A. and Butterworth, D.S. Summary of the most recent GLMM standardised male west coast rock lobster somatic growth trend based upon the “Less data” approach. MCM/NRF/Industry SA Rock Lobster International Stock Assessment Workshop, December 2005, document: RLWS/DEC05/DAT/6/1/3/3: 1–5. |
| Brandăo, A. and Butterworth, D.S. Summary results for the effect of the time of tagging on the somatic growth of west coast rock lobster males. MCM/NRF/Industry SA Rock Lobster International Stock Assessment Workshop, December 2005, document: RLWS/DEC05/DAT/6/1/3/6: 1–3. |
| Brandăo, A. and Butterworth, D.S. Effect of the time of tagging on the somatic growth of west coast rock lobster males. MCM/NRF/Industry SA Rock Lobster International Stock Assessment Workshop, December 2005, document: RLWS/DEC05/DAT/6/1/3/6/WP7: 1. |
| Butterworth, D.S., Rademeyer, R.A., and Plagányi, É.E. Report on an investigation of reasons for differences between outputs from ASPM and ADAPT-VPA assessments of the Gulf of Maine cod stock. United States Northeast Fisheries Management Council document, February 2005. 1–4. |
| Butterworth, D.S., Rademeyer, R.A., and Plagányi, É.E. A comparison between ADAPT-VPA and ASPM-based assessments of the Gulf of Maine cod stock. United States Northeast Fisheries Management Council document, February 2005. 1–98. |
| Butterworth, D.S., Rademeyer, R.A., and Plagányi, É.E. More detailed suggestions for OMP testing for the South African hake resource. Marine and Coastal Management document: WG/04/05/D:H:14: 1–4. |
| Butterworth, D.S., Rademeyer, R.A., and Plagányi, É.E. Yet more detailed suggestions for OMP testing for the South African hake resource. Marine and Coastal Management document: WG/04/05/D:H:16: 1–5. |
| Butterworth, D.S. Some initial comments on the WCRL sea management association’s suggestions for issues to be discussed at the coming international workshop. Marine and Coastal Management document: WG/09/05/WCRL:23: 1–2. |
| Butterworth, D.S., Rademeyer, R.A. and Plagányi, É.E. Priorities for further work on the hake OMP. Marine and Coastal Management document WG/10/05/D:H:38: 1–2. |
| Butterworth, D.S. A response to some of the views of the South African deep sea trawling industry association. Marine and Coastal Management document: WG/11/05/D:H:47: 1–5. |
| Butterworth, D.S. Hake OMP analyses: a suggested way forward. Marine and Coastal Management document: WG/11/05/D:H:44: 1–3. |
| Butterworth, D.S. International fisheries governance conference some suggestions for discussion. International Fisheries Governance L20 Conference, Victoria, Canada, October 2005: 1. |
| Butterworth, D.S. and Johnston, S.J. Structuring discussions of issues listed by industry for consideration at Nov/Dec international assessment workshop for SA lobster resources. Marine and Coastal Management document: WG/11/05/WCRL:24: 1–8. |
| Butterworth, D.S. Some positives and negatives of the OMP approach. MCM/NRF/Industry SA Rock Lobster International Stock Assessment Workshop, December 2005, document: RLWS/DEC05/MAN/8/1/3/1: 1–9. |
| Butterworth, D.S. Draft proposed procedures for deviating from the west coast rock lobster OMP output for the recommendation for a TAC, and for initiating an OMP review, together with procedures for within-review scheduling. MCM/NRF/Industry SA Rock Lobster International Stock Assessment Workshop, December 2005, document: RLWS/DEC05/MAN/8/1/3/2: 1–10. |
| Butterworth, D.S. Initial suggestions regarding a procedure to be adopted for review of an OMP for hake. Marine and Coastal Management document: WG/10/05/D:H:40: 1–9. |
| Butterworth, D.S. Draft proposed procedures for deviating from the hake OMP output for the recommendation for a TAC, and for initiating an OMP review. Marine and Coastal Management document: WG/10/05/D:H:41: 1–7. |
| Cunningham, C.L. and Butterworth, D.S. Initial sardine and anchovy TACs and sardine TAB for 2005, using OMP-04. Marine and Coastal Management document: WG/MAY2005/PEL/05: 1–3. |
| Cunningham, C.L. and Butterworth, D.S. A review of world sardine catch patterns: What can be said about the likely duration of the current peak in South African sardine fishery. Marine and Coastal Management document: WG/MAY2005/PEL/06: 1–8. |
| Cunningham, C.L. and Butterworth, D.S. Further robustness tests for the South African anchovy and sardine resources, including maturity-at-age. Marine and Coastal Management document: WG/MAY2005/PEL/07: 1–16. |
| Cunningham, C.L. and Butterworth, D.S. Revised anchovy TAC and sardine TAB for 2005, using OMP-04. Marine and Coastal Management document: SWG/JUNE2005/PEL/04: 1–6. |
| Cunningham, C.L. and Butterworth, D.S. Update regarding potential directed sardine TAC for 2006. Marine and Coastal Management document: SWG/AUG2005/PEL/05: 1–6. |
| Cunningham, C.L. and Butterworth, D.S. Revised OMP-04. Marine and Coastal Management document: SWG/AUG2005/PEL/10: 1–14. |
| Cunningham, C.L. and Butterworth, D.S. Re-revised OMP-04. Marine and Coastal Management document: SWG/DEC2005/PEL/05: 1–14. |
| Glazer, J.P. and Butterworth, D.S. Results obtained from projecting the squid resource, Loligo vulgaris reynaudii, 10 years into the future. Marine and Coastal Management document: WG/05/08/SQ:01: 1–14. |
| Glazer, J.P. and Butterworth, D.S. Further squid calculations. Marine and Coastal Management document: WG/05/09/SQ:02: 1–7. |
| Johnston, S.J. and Butterworth, D.S. Preliminary west coast rock lobster super-area assessments results. Marine and Coastal Management document: WG/02/05/WCRL:02: 1–28. |
| Johnston, S.J. and Butterworth, D.S. Comments on the preliminary west coast rock lobster super-area assessment results. Marine and Coastal Management document: WG/02/05/WCRL:05: 1–28. |
| Johnston, S.J. and Butterworth, D.S. Some preliminary west coast rock lobster area-disaggregated replacement yield calculations. Marine and Coastal Management document: WG/04/05/WCRL:06: 1–3. |
| Johnston, S.J. and Butterworth, D.S. Initial suggested specifications for reference case south coast rock lobster assessment for 2005. Marine and Coastal Management document: WG/06/05/SCL:04: 1–5. |
| Johnston, S.J. and Butterworth, D.S. 2005 updated stock assessments of the Tristan rock lobster resource. Report to the Tristan Lobster Industry: 1–9. |
| Johnston, S.J. and Butterworth, D.S. Options for South African horse mackerel assessment updates. Marine and Coastal Management document: WG/08/05/D:HM:23: 1. |
| Johnston, S.J., Glazer, J. and Brandăo, A. West coast rock lobster TAC for the 2005 season as calculated using the current OMP. Marine and Coastal Management document: WG/07/05/WCRL:12: 1–6. |
| Johnston, S.J., Glazer, G.L. and Gaylard, J. Summary of sample sizes for data collected in Area 3+4, and 5+6. Marine and Coastal Management document: WG/07/05/WCRL:13: 1–5. |
| Johnston, S.J. Data required for an update of the west-coast-as-a-whole assessment. Marine and Coastal Management document: WG/07/05/WCRL:14: 1–1. |
| Johnston, S.J. and Butterworth, D.S. Progress report on west coast rock lobster updated stock assessments. Marine and Coastal Management document: WG/09/05/WCRL:21: 1–13. |
| Johnston, S.J. and Butterworth, D.S. MARAM preliminary workplan towards preparation of material for consideration at the November international workshop. Marine and Coastal Management document: WG/09/05/WCRL:22: 1–8. |
| Johnston, S.J. and Butterworth, D.S. The 2005 age-structured production model assessments and projections for the south coast rock lobster resource. Marine and Coastal Management document: WG/07/05/SCL:05: 1–24. |
| Johnston, S.J. and Butterworth, D.S. Progress report on refinements of south coast rock lobster assessments. Marine and Coastal Management document: WG/09/05/SCL:08: 1–15. |
| Johnston, S.J. and Butterworth, D.S. Initial OMP development for the south coast rock lobster resource. Marine and Coastal Management document: WG/11/05/SCRL:09: 1–2. |
| Johnston, S.J. Extracts From BENEFIT Workshops of Recommendations and Panel Comments Regarding the West Coast Rock Lobster. MCM/NRF/Industry SA Rock Lobster International Stock Assessment Workshop, December 2005, document: RLWS/DEC05/GEN/5: 1–6. |
| Johnston, S.J. and Butterworth, D.S. A list of data inputs to the west coast rock lobster assessment. MCM/NRF/Industry SA Rock Lobster International Stock Assessment Workshop, December 2005, document: RLWS/DEC05/DAT/6/1/1: 1–3. |
| Johnston, S.J. and Brouwer, S. Summary of further data sources used as input for the assessment of the west coast rock lobster. MCM/NRF/Industry SA Rock Lobster International Stock Assessment Workshop, December 2005, document: RLWS/DEC05/DAT/6/1/3/1: 1–11. |
| Johnston, S.J., Glazer. J. and Gaylard, J. Summary of the amount of data for each super-area available for the assessment of the west coast rock lobster. MCM/NRF/Industry SA Rock Lobster International Stock Assessment Workshop, December 2005, document: RLWS/DEC05/DAT/6/1/3/WP1: 1–9. |
| Johnston, S.J. and Butterworth, D.S. A list of data inputs to the south coast rock lobster assessment. MCM/NRF/Industry SA Rock Lobster International Stock Assessment Workshop, December 2005, document: RLWS/DEC05/DAT/6/2/1: 1–2. |
| Johnston, S.J. and Butterworth, D.S. Underlying assumptions for the stock assessment of west coast rock lobster. MCM/NRF/Industry SA Rock Lobster International Stock Assessment Workshop, December 2005, document: RLWS/DEC05/ASS/7/1/1: 1–13. |
| Johnston, S.J. and Butterworth, D.S. The size-structured (length-based) stock assessment methodology applied to west coast rock lobster. MCM/NRF/Industry SA Rock Lobster International Stock Assessment Workshop, December 2005, document: RLWS/DEC05/ASS/7/1/2: 1–16. |
| Johnston, S.J. and Butterworth, D.S. West coast rock lobster updated stock assessment results for the length-based model for both area-aggregated and area-disaggregated approaches. MCM/NRF/Industry SA Rock Lobster International Stock Assessment Workshop, December 2005, document: RLWS/DEC05/ASS/7/1/3: 1–36. |
| Johnston, S.J. and Butterworth, D.S. A summary of the pro’s and con’s of area-aggregated vs. area-disaggregated assessment approaches for the west coast rock lobster resource. MCM/NRF/Industry SA Rock Lobster International Stock Assessment Workshop, December 2005, document: RLWS/DEC05/ASS/7/1/4: 1. |
| Johnston, S.J. and Butterworth, D.S. A summary of the pro’s and con’s of using 1870 as the starting year for west coast rock lobster population modelling. MCM/NRF/Industry SA Rock Lobster International Stock Assessment Workshop, December 2005, document: RLWS/DEC05/ASS/7/1/5: 1. |
| Johnston, S.J. and Butterworth, D.S. Results of a surplus production modelling approach for three spatially disaggregated components of the west coast rock lobster resource. MCM/NRF/Industry SA Rock Lobster International Stock Assessment Workshop, December 2005, document: RLWS/DEC05/ASS/7/1/8: 1–13. |
| Johnston, S.J. and Butterworth, D.S. Sensitivity of the west coast rock lobster length-based stock assessment to a consistently higher somatic growth rate. MCM/NRF/Industry SA Rock Lobster International Stock Assessment Workshop, December 2005, document: RLWS/DEC05/ASS/7/1/9: 1–4. |
| Johnston, S.J. and Butterworth, D.S. Miscellaneous extra information relating to the assessment of the west coast rock lobster. MCM/NRF/Industry SA Rock Lobster International Stock Assessment Workshop, December 2005, document: RLWS/DEC05/ASS/7/1/WP2: 1–10. |
| Johnston, S.J. Comparison between Johnston and Butterworth (MARAM) and OLRAC area-aggregated assessment results. MCM/NRF/Industry SA Rock Lobster International Stock Assessment Workshop, December 2005, document: RLWS/DEC05/ASS/7/1/WP4: 1–2. |
| Johnston, S.J. and Butterworth, D.S. Underlying assumptions for the stock assessment of south coast rock lobster. MCM/NRF/Industry SA Rock Lobster International Stock Assessment Workshop, December 2005, document: RLWS/DEC05/ASS/7/2/1: 1. |
| Johnston, S.J. and Butterworth, D.S. The Age-Structured Production Model for the south coast rock lobster population. MCM/NRF/Industry SA Rock Lobster International Stock Assessment Workshop, December 2005, document: RLWS/DEC05/ASS/7/2/2: 1–13. |
| Johnston, S.J. and Butterworth, D.S. The 2005 Age-Structured Production Model assessments and constant catch projections for the south coast rock lobster resource. MCM/NRF/Industry SA Rock Lobster International Stock Assessment Workshop, December 2005, document: RLWS/DEC05/ASS/7/2/3: 1–28. |
| Johnston, S.J. and Butterworth, D.S. Future projections for the south coast rock lobster resource using Bayesian methodology. MCM/NRF/Industry SA Rock Lobster International Stock Assessment Workshop, December 2005, document: RLWS/DEC05/ASS/7/2/4: 1–12. |
| Johnston, S.J., Glazer, J. and Brandăo, A. OMP-2003 for the west coast rock lobster. MCM/NRF/Industry SA Rock Lobster International Stock Assessment Workshop, December 2005, document: RLWS/DEC05/MAN/8/1/1/2: 1–8. |
| Johnston, S.J. and Butterworth, D.S. Updated performance statistics for the existing OMP and modified tunings thereof for the west coast rock lobster resource. MCM/NRF/Industry SA Rock Lobster International Stock Assessment Workshop, December 2005, document: RLWS/DEC05/MAN/8/1/2/1: 1–13. |
| Johnston, S.J. and Butterworth, D.S. Initial OMP development suggestions for the south coast rock lobster resource. MCM/NRF/Industry SA Rock Lobster International Stock Assessment Workshop, December 2005, document: RLWS/DEC05/MAN/8/2/2/2: 1–2. |
| Johnston, S.J. and Butterworth, D.S. Sardine TAC and initial anchovy TAC and sardine TAB for 2006, using re-revised OMP-04. Marine and Coastal Management document: SWG/DEC05/PEL/04: 1–7. |
| Maharaj, G. Mackenzie, A. and Plagányi, É. Summary of commercial, poaching and FIAS size composition and catch-at-age and FIAS abundance data updates for the abalone fishery: 2005. Marine and Coastal Management document: WG/AB/05/07/06: 1–13. |
| Plagányi, É. Preliminary model of the impact of pelagic fishing on the South African west coast in the vicinity of seal and penguin colonies. Marine and Coastal Management document: WG/MAY2005/PEL/10: 1–8. |
| Plagányi, É.E. and MacKenzie, A. Summary of required data updates 2005 for South African abalone. Marine and Coastal Management document WG/AB/05/05/01: 1–5. |
| Plagányi, É.E. and MacKenzie, A. Analysis of abalone poaching confiscation data up until April 2005 and preliminary update of CPUPE. Marine and Coastal Management document WG/AB/05/06/04: 1–9. |
| Plagányi, É.E. A summary of the assessment and management approach applied to South African abalone in Zones A–D. Marine and Coastal Management document WG/AB/05/06/03: 1–20. |
| Plagányi, É.E. Application of a General Linear Model to standardise abalone catch-per-unit-effort data for Zones A–D over the period 1980-2004. Marine and Coastal Management document WG/AB/05/07/07: 1–17. |
| Plagányi, É.E., Butterworth, D.S. and Rademeyer, R.A. Constant catch projections for the South African Merluccius paradoxus and M. capensis resources using the 64 Reference case Operating Models. Marine and Coastal Management document: WG/04/05/D:H:22: 1–12. |
| Plagányi, É.E., Butterworth, D.S. and Rademeyer, R.A. Addendum to Further constant catch projection results using the 64 Reference case Operating Models. Marine and Coastal Management document: WG/04/05/D:H:24: 1–4. |
| Plagányi, É.E., Rademeyer, R.A. and Butterworth, D.S. Summary of progress in developing a joint OMP for the South African Merluccius paradoxus and M. capensis resources. Marine and Coastal Management document: WG/08/05/D:H:21: 1–8. |
| Plagányi, É.E. and Butterworth, D.S. Abalone spatial- and age-structured assessment model results for Zones A, B, C and D in 2005. Marine and Coastal Management document: WG/AB/05/08/09: 1–41. |
| Plagányi, É.E. and Butterworth, D.S. Preliminary projection results for abalone in Zones A–D. Marine and Coastal Management document: WG/AB/05/08/11: 1–11. |
| Plagányi, É.E. and Butterworth, D.S. Final projection results for abalone in Zones A–D. Marine and Coastal Management document: WG/AB/05/08/12: 1–10. |
| Plagányi, É.E. and Butterworth, D.S. Abalone replacement yield computations for Zones E and G. Marine and Coastal Management document: WG/AB/05/08/13: 1–4. |
| Plagányi, É.E. and Butterworth, D.S. A simple Schaefer model of abalone dynamics in Zones E and G. Marine and Coastal Management document: WG/AB/05/08/14: 1–11. |
| Plagányi, É.E., Rademeyer, R.A. and Butterworth, D.S. Revised constant catch projections for the South African Merluccius paradoxus and M. capensis resources using the 64 Reference case Operating Models. Marine and Coastal Management document: WG/09/05/D:H:27: 1–16. |
| Plagányi, É.E., Rademeyer, R.A. and Butterworth, D.S. Preliminary development of a species-disaggregated management procedure for the South African Merluccius paradoxus and M. capensis resources. Marine and Coastal Management document: WG/09/05/D:H:30: 1–25. |
| Plagányi, É.E., Rademeyer, R.A. and Butterworth, D.S. Summary of progress in developing a species-disaggregated and Fox model-based OMP for the South African hake resource. Marine and Coastal Management document: WG/11/05/D:H:46: 1–5. |
| Plagányi, É.E. Summary of East-of-Hangklip lobster-abalone-urchin models and abalone projections. MCM/NRF/Industry SA Rock Lobster International Stock Assessment Workshop, December 2005, document: RLWS/DEC05/ECO/4/1/2: 1–12. |
| Rademeyer, R.A., Brandăo, A. and Butterworth, D.S. Namibian hake “seven-vessels” CPUE. Namibian Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources document: HWG/WkShop/2005/02/doc5: 1–21. |
| Rademeyer, R.A. and Butterworth, D.S. Yet further updates of an assessment of the Namibian hake resource, including both catch-at-age and catch-at-length information. Namibian Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources document: HWG/WkShop/2005/02/doc7: 1–35. |
| Rademeyer, R.A. and Butterworth, D.S. A replacement yield framework for the Namibian hake resource. Namibian Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources document: HWG/WkShop/2005/02/doc8: 1–11. |
| Rademeyer, R.A. and Butterworth, D.S. Joint assessment of the South African Merluccius paradoxus and M. capensis resources. Marine and Coastal Management document: WG/02/05/D:H:2: 1–35. |
| Rademeyer, R.A. and Butterworth, D.S. Further sensitivities on the joint assessment of the South African Merluccius paradoxus and M. capensis resources. Marine and Coastal Management document: WG/03/05/D:H:7: 1–6. |
| Rademeyer, R.A. and Butterworth, D.S. Possible robustness tests to consider for the South African hake resource. Marine and Coastal Management document: WG/03/05/D:H:8: 1–2. |
| Rademeyer, R.A. and Butterworth, D.S. Final proposal for reference set for the joint assessment of the South African Merluccius paradoxus and M. capensis resources. Marine and Coastal Management document: WG/04/05/D:H:17: 1–16. |
| Rademeyer, R.A., Plagányi, É.E. and Butterworth, D.S. Management procedure robustness tests for the South African Merluccius paradoxus and M. capensis resources under fixed catch scenarios. Marine and Coastal Management document: WG/09/05/D:H:28: 1–23. |
| Rademeyer, R.A., Plagányi, É.E. and Butterworth, D.S. Further results related to the Reference Set Assessments for the South African Merluccius paradoxus and M. capensis resources. Marine and Coastal Management document: WG/09/05/D:H:29: 1–5. |
| Rademeyer, R.A., Plagányi, É.E. and Butterworth, D.S. Suggestions for shortening the list of critical robustness tests for the South African Merluccius paradoxus and M. capensis resources. Marine and Coastal Management document: WG/09/05/D:H:33: 1–4. |
| Rademeyer, R.A., Plagányi, É.E. and Butterworth, D.S. Species-disaggregated candidate Management Procedures for the South African Merluccius paradoxus and M. capensis resources. Marine and Coastal Management document: WG/10/05/D:H:34: 1–12. |
| Rademeyer, R.A., Plagányi, É.E., and Butterworth, D.S. Further evaluations of candidate OMPs for the South African hake resource, including consideration of other management options. Marine and Coastal Management document WG/10/05/D:H:37: 1–15. |
| Rademeyer, R.A., Plagányi, É.E., and Butterworth, D.S. Management Procedure robustness tests for the South African Merluccius paradoxus and M. capensis resources under empirical-based candidate OMP1a-ii. Marine and Coastal Management document: WG/11/05/D:H:45: 1–5. |
| Rademeyer, R.A., Plagányi, É.E., and Butterworth, D.S. Yet further evaluations of candidate OMPs for the South African hake resource, including consideration of other management options. Marine and Coastal Management document: WG/11/05/D:H:42: 1–21. |
| Rademeyer, R.A., Plagányi, É.E., and Butterworth, D.S. Results for an illustrative empirical decisison rule for hake projections for C3 scenarios in the context of alternative options for initial TAC reduction levels. Marine and Coastal Management document: WG/11/05/D:H:49: 1–13. |
| Rademeyer, R.A. and Butterworth, D.S. Sensitivity tests for joint assessments of the two South African hake populations. Marine and Coastal Management document: WG/12/05/D:H:56: 1–11. |
| Rademeyer, R.A. and Butterworth, D.S. Proposed revised reference set for the joint assessment of the South African Merluccius paradoxus and M. capensis resources for use in OMP testing. Marine and Coastal Management document: WG/12/05/D:H:57: 1–10. |
| Somhlaba, S., Brandăo, A. and Butterworth, D.S. Revised results on the effect of observers on board pelagic fleets. Marine and Coastal Management document: WG/MAY2005/PEL:08: 1–9. |
| Somhlaba, S., Brandăo, A. and Butterworth, D.S. Results on how the observer effect onboard pelagic fleet differs pre and post quota allocations and with the type of fishing activity (directed or bycatch). Marine and Coastal Management document: SWG/JUNE2005/PEL:05: 1–4. |
| Somhlaba, S., Brandăo, A. and Butterworth, D.S. Further results when interactions between the presence of observer and month are taken into account for steel vessels. Marine and Coastal Management document: SWG/AUG2005/PEL:07: 1–8. |
| Somhlaba, S., Brandăo, A. and Butterworth, D.S. Overall results for the effect of the presence of an observer on catches made by the pelagic fleet. Marine and Coastal Management document: SWG/DEC2005/PEL:07: 1–7. |