| Brandão, A. and Butterworth, D.S. Analyses of the fisheries independent monitoring survey data of the rock lobster resource of South Africa to include the 2011/12 season. DAFF Brach Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2012/AUG/SWG-WCRL/17: 1-19. |
| Brandão, A. and Butterworth, D.S. GLM and GLMM standardisation of the commercial abalone CPUE for Zones A-D. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2012/AUG/SWG-AB/04: 1-13. |
| Brandão, A. and Butterworth, D.S. Trends in policing effort and the number of confiscations for abalone including compliance data until March 2012. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2012/AUG/SWG-AB/05: 1-10. |
| Brandão, A. and Butterworth, D.S. Results for the abalone spatial- and age-structured assessment model for Zones A, B, C and D in 2012. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2012/AUG/SWG-AB/06: 1-13. |
| Brandão, A. and Butterworth, D.S. GLM and GLMM standardisation of the commercial abalone CPUE for Zone F. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2012/AUG/SWG-AB/09: 1-7. |
| Brandão, A. and Butterworth, D.S. Obtaining a standardised CPUE series for toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides) in the Prince Edward Islands EEZ calibrated to incorporate both longline and trotline data over the period 1997-2012. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2012/OCT/SWG-DEM/25: 1-12. |
| Brandão, A. and Butterworth, D.S. Comparing the current calibrated CPUE series for PEI toothfish to that for last year. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2012/OCT/SWG-DEM/26: 1-2. |
| Butterworth, D.S. Note about constraints on interannual change in TAC for the anchovy fishery, DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2012/FEB/SWG-PEL/10: 1-2. |
| Butterworth, D.S. and Johnston, S.J. Regarding the recreational season length for west coast rock lobster. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2012/MAR/SWG-WCRL/05: 1. |
| Butterworth, D.S. and Johnston, S.J. Regarding interim relief allocations by area. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2012/MAR/SWG-WCRL/06: 1. |
| Butterworth, D.S. and Johnston, S.J. MARAM responses to the MRAG review of the MARAM stock assessments of the Tristan rock lobster. Document MARAM/Tristan/2012/JUN/08: 1-3. |
| Butterworth, D.S. and Johnston, S.J. Recommendations on rock lobster TAC's for the Tristan group of islands for the 2012/13 season. Document MARAM/TRISTAN/2012/JUN/09: 1-7. |
| Butterworth, D.S. and Johnston, D.S. Recommendations on rock lobster TAC's for the Tristan group of islands for the 2012/13 season. Document MARAM/TRISTAN/2012/AUG/12: 1-11. |
| Coetzee, J.C. and Butterworth, D.S. Further information provided by the Small Pelagic Working Group in respect of the IFFO FISHERY ASSESSMENT REPORT of anchovy and redeye round herring. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2012/FEB/SWG-PEL/11: 1-6. |
| de Moor, C.L. and Coetzee, J. Objectives for the management of the South African pelagic fishery for anchovy and sardine, using OMP-13. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/FEB/2012/SWG-PEL/03rev2: 1-5. |
| de Moor, C.L., Coetzee, J. and Butterworth, D.S. Sardine operating model assumptions regarding the November survey. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2012/FEB/SWG-PEL/04: 1-4. |
| de Moor, C.L., Coetzee, J.C. and Butterworth, D.S. Follow up to the International Review panel Report for the 2011 International Fisheries Stock Assessment Workshop. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2012/FEB/SWG-PEL/05: 1-5. |
| de Moor, C.L. and Butterworth, D.S. A progress report on the revision to the operating model for the South African sardine resource. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2012/FEB/SWG-PEL/07: 1-9. |
| de Moor, C.L. Were the survey observations of anchovy during 2011 outside the range simulated during OMP-08 development? DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2012/MAR/SWG-PEL/15: 1-2. |
| de Moor, C.L. and Butterworth, D.S. Estimation of the proportion of 1 year old anchovy in the November surveys. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2012/APR/SWG-PEL/19: 1-15. |
| de Moor, C.L. Potential for increase in the 2012 anchovy normal season TAC. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2012/JUN/SWG-PEL/27: 1-2. |
| de Moor, C.L., Butterworth, D.S. and Coetzee, J.C. Correction to estimate of 2012 recruitment due to delayed survey start date. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2012/JUL/SWG-PEL/30: 1-2. |
| de Moor, C.L. Final anchovy TAC and sardine TAB for 2012, using OMP-08. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2012/JUL/SWG-PEL/31: 1-5. |
| de Moor, C.L., Butterworth, D.S. Estimation of the proportion of 1 year old anchovy in the November surveys: further results. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2012/JUL/SWG-PEL/32: 1-8. |
| de Moor, C.L., Butterworth, D.S. Estimation of the proportion of 1 year old anchovy in the November surveys: final results. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2012/AUG/SWG-PEL/40: 1-12. |
| de Moor, C.L., Coetzee, J., Durholtz, D., Merkle, D, van der Westhuizen, J.J. and Butterworth, D.S. A record of the generation of data used in the 2012 sardine and anchovy assessments. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2012/AUG/SWG-PEL/41: 1-29. |
| de Moor, C.L., Butterworth, D.S. Assessment of the South African anchovy resource using data from 1984-2011: results at the posterior mode. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2012/AUG/SWG-PEL/42: 1-28. |
| de Moor, C.L., Butterworth, D.S. Finalised assessment of the South African anchovy resource using data from 1984-2011: results at the posterior mode. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2012/SEP/SWG-PEL/47: 1-32. |
| de Moor, C.L., Butterworth, D.S. Assessment of the South African sardine resource using data from 1984-2011, with some results for a single stock hypothesis. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2012/SEP/SWG-PEL/48: 1-36. |
| de Moor, C.L., Butterworth, D.S. Assessment of the South African sardine resource using data from 1984-2011: initial results for a two stock hypothesis. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2012/SEP/SWG-PEL/49: 1-19. |
| de Moor, C.L. A list of the TACs and TABs required as output from OMP-13. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2012/SEP/SWG-PEL/50b: 1-8. |
| de Moor, C.L., Butterworth, D.S. A first draft of harvest control rules for MP variants to be tested for OMP-13. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2012/0CT/SWG-PEL/54: 1-13. |
| de Moor, C.L. and Butterworth, D.S. A summary list of the assumptions made in the simulation testing framework used during the development of OMP-13. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2012/OCT/SWG-PEL/55: 1-3. |
| de Moor, C.L.and Butterworth, D.S. Initial results from MP testing. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2012/OCT/SWG-PEL/56: 1-4. |
| de Moor, C.L., Butterworth, D.S. and Coetzee, J. A list of what is expected to be completed in time for a choice of "Draft OMP-13". DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2012/NOV/SWG-PEL/57: 1-7. |
| de Moor, C.L. and Butterworth, D.S. The simulation testing framework used during the development of OMP-13. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2012/NOV/SWG-PEL/58: 1-24. |
| de Moor, C.L., Butterworth, D.S. and Robinson, W. Initial results from comparisons between alternative candidate MPs. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2012/NOV/SWG-PEL/59: 1-9. |
| de Moor, C.L. and Butterworth, D.S. Biomass estimates for use in initial sardine and anchovy TAC/B computations for 2012 should the November 2012 survey not be completed successfully. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2012/NOV/SWG-PEL/60: 1-2. |
| de Moor, C.L. and Butterworth, D.S. Further results towards the selection of "Draft OMP-13". DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2012/NOV/SWG-PEL/61: 1-17. |
| de Moor, C.L. and Butterworth, D.S. Interim OMP-13. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2012/DEC/SWG-PEL/64: 1-17. |
| de Moor, C.L. Directed sardine and initial anchovy TACs and TABs for 2013, using interim OMP-13. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2012/DEC/SWG-PEL/67: 1-5. |
| de Moor, C.L. and Butterworth, D.S. Biomass estimates for use in initial sardine and anchovy TAC/B computations for 2013 should the November 2012 survey not be completed successfully. International Stock Assessment Workshop document: MARAM IWS/NOV12/SURV/PEL/P2: 1-3. |
| de Moor, C.L., Butterworth, D.S. and Coetzee, J.C. Proposed rules to determine inputs to the OMP should there be no hydro-acoustic survey result in November 2012 or May 2011. International Stock Assessment Workshop document: MARAM IWS/NOV12/SURV/PEL/BG1: 1-2. (Also MCM/2010/SWG-PEL/42.) |
| de Moor, C.L. and Butterworth, D.S. OMP-08. International Stock Assessment Workshop document: MARAM IWS/NOV12/SURV/PEL/BG2: 1-16. (Also MCM/2008/SWG-PEL/23.) |
| de Moor, C.L. and Butterworth, D.S. An overview of key points pertaining to a no survey scenario for South African sardine and anchovy and MP-related risk calculations. International Stock Assessment Workshop document: MARAM IWS/NOV 12/SURV/PEL/P3: 1-3. |
| Furman, L.B. and Butterworth, D.S. On refinements of the approach to setting a horse mackerel PUCL for the pelagic fishery. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2012/JUL/SWG-DEMPEL/HMTT/02: 1-4. |
| Furman, L.B. and Butterworth, D.S. Preliminary results of an adaptive rule to experimentally increase the allocation for the horse mackerel midwater fishery. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2012/JUL/SWG-DEMPEL/HMTT/03: 1-6. |
| Furman, L.B. and Butterworth, D.S. Proposed catch control rules for horse mackerel bycatch in the small pelagics fishery and directed catch in the midwater trawl fishery. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2012/OCT/SWG-DEM/23: 1-33. |
| Glazer, J.P. and Butterworth, D.S. A Bayesian analysis of the squid resource Loligo reynaudii. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2012/AUG/SWG-SQ/23: 1-20. |
| Glazer, J.P. and Butterworth, D.S. Results of sensitivity tests applied to the South African squid stock assessment model, including for harvesting strategies with a constant annual catch component for small scale fishers. International Stock Assessment Workshop document: MARAM IWS/NOV12/SQ/P2rev: 1-22. |
| Johnston, S.J. and Butterworth, D.S. Simulation results for final candidate MPs for the new OMP 2011 for West Coast rock lobster. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2012/JAN/SWG-WCRL/01: 1-7. |
| Johnston, S.J., Butterworth, D.S., Glazer, J.P. and Brandão, A. OMP 2011 to be used for setting TACs for the West Coast rock lobster fishery for the 2011+ seasons. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2012/JAN/SWG-WCRL/02: 1-68. |
| Johnston, S.J., Butterworth, D.S., Glazer, J.P. and Brandão, A. Selected key sections from OMP 2011 to be used for setting TACs for the West Coast rock lobster fishery for the 2011+ seasons. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2012/JAN/SWG-WCRL/02: 1-11. |
| Johnston, S.J. and Butterworth, D.S. Possible modification of OMP 2011 to allow for a lower bound capping of input data. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2012/JAN/SWG-WCRL/03: 1-2. |
| Johnston, S.J. and Butterworth, D.S. Final simulated model results for OMP 2011 where the new capping rule is incorporated. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2012/FEB/SWG-WCRL/04: 1-3. |
| Johnston, S.J. and Butterworth, D.S. Further OMP 2011 simulation results incorporating a transfer of commercial offshore TAC from A7 to A5+6. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2012/MAR/SWG-WCRL/08: 1-3. |
| Johnston, S.J. and Butterworth, D.S. Final OMP 2011 simulation results incorporating a transfer of 40 MT commercial offshore TAC from A7 to A5+6. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2012/JUN/SWG-WCRL/09: 1-2. |
| Johnston, S.J., Butterworth, D.S., Glazer, J.P. and Brandão, A. OMP 2011 to be used for setting TACs for the west coast rock lobster fishery for the 2011+ seasons. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2012/JUL/SWG-WCRL/10: 1-69. |
| Johnston, S.J. and Butterworth, D.S. TAC values for 2012/13 season for West coast rock lobster using OMP-2011. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2012/AUG/SWG-WCRL/19: 1-9. |
| Johnston, S.J. Decisions required for the updated stock assessments for South Coast rock lobster 2012. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2012/JAN/SWG-SCRL/04: 1-2. |
| Johnston, S.J. Progress made on updating the SCRL assessment. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2012/APR/SWG-SCRL/10: 1-13. |
| Johnston, S.J. and Butterworth, D.S. Recommended TAC 2012 for the south coast lobster resource using re-tuned OMP 2010. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2012/AUG/SWG-SCRL/13: 1-5. |
| Johnston, S.J. and Butterworth, D.S. 2012 South coast rock lobster operating models—some initial results. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2012/OCT/SWG-SCRL/15: 1-50. |
| Johnston, S.J. and Butterworth, D.S. Input data for use in the 2012 south coast rock lobster operating models. International Stock Assessment Workshop document: MARAM IWS/NOV12/SCRL/P1: 1-10. |
| Johnston, S.J. and Butterworth, D.S. South coast rock lobster operating models - further results. International Stock Assessment Workshop document: MARAM IWS/NOV12/SCRL/P3: 1-12. |
| Johnston, S.J. and Butterworth, D.S. South coast rock lobster operating models - further results. International Stock Assessment Workshop document: MARAM IWS/NOV12/SCRL/WP2: 1-5. |
| Johnston, S.J. and Butterworth, D.S. South coast rock lobster operating models - even further results! International Stock Assessment Workshop document: MARAM IWS/NOV12/SCRL/WP3: 1-13. |
| Johnston, S.J., Butterworth, D.S. and Glazer, J.P. South coast rock lobster OMP 2008 re-tuned. International Stock Assessment Workshop document: MARAM IWS/NOV12/SCRL/BG1: 1-9. |
| Johnston, S.J. and Butterworth, D.S. Times of past Tristan lobster biomass surveys and a rationale for future survey times. Document MARAM/TRISTAN/2012/JAN/01: 1-2. |
| Johnston, S.J. and Butterworth, D.S. Initial calculations of potential losses to Tristan fishery due to Oliva effect. Document MARAM/TRISTAN/2012/APR/03: 1-4. |
| Johnston, S.J. A summary of the Tristan biomass index survey results to date. Document MARAM/Tristan/2012/MAY/05: 1-7. |
| Johnston, S.J. Updated lobster catch-at-length data from the Tristan da Cunha islands. Document MARAM/TRISTAN/2012/MAY/06: 1-6. |
| Johnston, S.J., Butterworth, D.S., Brandão, A. and Müller, A. Test fishing analyses for Nightingale Island. Document MARAM/Tristan/2012/JUN/02: 1-14. |
| Johnston, S.J., Brandão, A. and Butterworth, D.S. GLMM- and GLM-standardised lobster CPUE from the Tristan da Cunha group of islands for the 1997-2012 period. Document MARAM/Tristan/2012/Jun/07: 1-17. |
| Johnston, S.J. and Butterworth, D.S. Updated 2012 rock lobster assessments of the Tristan da Cunha group of islands. Document MARAM/TRISTAN/2012/JUL/10: 1-20. |
| Johnston, S.J. and Butterworth, D.S. Input data for the 2012 rock lobster assessments of the Tristan da Cunha group of islands. Document MARAM/TRISTAN/2012/JUL/11: 1-14. |
| Johnston, S.J. A summary of the Tristan Biomass Index Survey results to date. Document MARAM/Tristan/2012/NOV/13: 1-7. |
| Johnston, S.J., Butterworth, D.S. and Brandão, A. Further test fishing analyses for Nightingale Island. Document MARAM/Tristan/2013/NOV/14: 1-16. |
| Johnston, S.J. and Butterworth, D.S. Projections of various TAC options at Inaccessible under various scenarios. Document MARAM/Tristan/2012/NOV/15: 1-9. |
| Johnston, S.J. and Butterworth, D.S. Projections of various options at Nightingale under various scenarios. Document MARAM/Tristan/2012/NOV/16: 1-4. |
| MARAM. Schedules for developing and implementing OMP revisions for major South African fisheries. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2012/FEB/SWG-PEL/2: 1. |
| Rademeyer, R.A. Progress on the hake OMP implementation and updated assessment. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2012/AUG/SWG-DEM/10: 1. |
| Rademeyer, R.A. Output from the South African hake OMP-2010 for the 2013 TAC recommendation. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2012/SEPT/SWG-DEM/21: 1-4. |
| Rademeyer, R.A. 2012 Routine update of the South African hake reference case assessment. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2012/OCT/SWG-DEM/22: 1-14. |
| Rademeyer, R.A. and Butterworth, D.S. Summary of impact of survey estimates on the hake TAC. International Stock Assessment Workshop document: MARAM IWS/NOV12/SURV/HK/P2: 1-5. |
| Rademeyer, R.A. and Butterworth, D.S. Addendum to: Summary of impact of survey estimates on the hake TAC. International Stock Assessment Workshop document: MARAM IWS/NOV12/SURV/HK/P2add: 1-2. |
| Rademeyer, R.A., Butterworth, D.S. and Plagányi, É.E. A history of recent bases for management and the development of a species-combined Operational Management Procedure for the South African hake resource. International Stock Assessment Workshop document: MARAM IWS/NOV12/SURV/HK/BG1: 1-20. (Also African Journal of Marine Science 2008, 30(2): 291-310.) |
| Rademeyer, R.A., Fairweather, T., Glazer, J.P., Leslie, R.L. and Butterworth, D.S. The 2010 Operational Management Procedure for the South African Merluccius paradoxus and M.capensis resources. International Stock Assessment Workshop document: MARAM IWS/NOV12/SURV/HK/BG2: 1-36. (Also FISHERIES/2010/OCTOBER/SWG-DEM/59.) |
| Robinson, W. and Butterworth, D.S. Some updates to the penguin-fish interaction model. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2012/FEB/SWG-PEL/01: 1-9. |
| Robinson, W. Modelling the impact of the South African small pelagic fishery on African penguin dynamics. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2012/JUL/SWG-PEL/35: 1-44. |
| Robinson, W. and Butterworth, D.S. Projections of the Robben Island African penguin population. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2012/NOV/SWG-PEL/62: 1-6. |
| Robinson, W. Updating the Dassen Island and Robben Island penguin moult series with data from the 2011/2012 season. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2012/SWG-PEL/ICTT/12: 1-8. |