| Brandão, A. and Butterworth, D.S. Results of abalone projections for Zones A and B. Marine and Coastal Management document: MCM/2010/JAN/SWG-AB/19: 1–10. |
| Brandão, A. and Butterworth, D.S. Investigation of possible redesign of the FIMS of the Rock Lobster resource of South Africa, taking additional variance into account. Marine and Coastal Management document: MCM/2010/MAR/SWG-WCRL/01: 1–7. |
| Brandão, A. and Butterworth, D.S. FIMS indices for the rock lobster resource of South Africa: updated to include the 2009/2010 season. Marine and Coastal Management document: MCM/2010/AUG/SWG-WCRL/11: 1–4. |
| Brandão, A. and Butterworth, D.S. FIMS length composition and percentage of females of the west coast rock lobster resource of South Africa. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: Fisheries/2010/OCT/SWG-WCRL/30: 1–23. |
| Brandão, A. Data used in the latest abalone assessment for Zones A, B, C and D. Marine and Coastal Management document: MCM/2010/AUG/SWG-AB/10: 1–2. |
| Brandão, A. and Butterworth, D.S. An initial analysis of the power of monitoring certain indices to determine the effect of fishing on penguin reproductive success from an experiment where pelagic fishing is prohibited in the neighbourhood of Robben island, but continues around Dassen Island. International Stock Assessment Workshop document: MARAM IWS/DEC10/PB/P2: 1–12. (Also EAFWG/OCT2007/STG/04) |
| Brandão, A. Confidence interval estimates for the estimates of additional variants in MARAM IWS/DEC10/PB/P2. International Stock Assessment Workshop document: MARAM IWS/DEC10/P/WP3: 1. |
| Butterworth, D.S. and Robinson, W. Response to comments on: Robben Island penguin survival rates from Bayesian analysis by William Robinson and Doug Butterworth (Altwegg: MCM/2010/SWG-PEL/08). Marine and Coastal Management document: MCM/2010/SWG-PEL/09: 1–5. |
| Butterworth, D.S. A note on likely data requirements for analyses of the possible impact of pelagic fishing in the vicinity of breeding colonies of penguins: Marine and Coastal Management document: MCM/2010/SWG-PEL/10: 1–3. (Also MCM/2010/SWG-PEL/Island Closure Task Team/02: 1–3). |
| Butterworth, D.S. Responses to some comments in Altwegg MCM/2010/SWG-PEL/23 regarding penguin analyses. Marine and Coastal Management document: MCM/2010/SWG-PEL/25: 1–3. |
| Butterworth, D.S. and Robinson, W. Further responses to comments in Altwegg MCM/2010/SWG-PEL/23 regarding penguin analyses. Marine and Coastal Management document: MCM/2010/SWG-PEL/27: 1–7. (Also MCM/2010/SWG-PEL/Island Closure Task Team/12: 1–6. |
| Butterworth, D.S. and Robinson, W. Summary of progress and plans for penguin-related analyses, with reference to comments made on previous submissions. Marine and Coastal Management document: MCM/2010/SWG-PEL/36: 1–6. |
| Butterworth, D.S. and Johnston, S.J. Proposed way forward if the working group decision is to perform a simple OMP update for 2010: Marine and Coastal Management document: MCM/2010/MAY/SWG-SCRL/07: 1–3. |
| Butterworth, D.S. and Johnston, S.J. Procedures for deviating from OMP output for the recommendation for a TAC, and for initiating an OMP review for West Coast rock lobster. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: Fisheries/2010/AUG/SWG-WCRL/14: 1–9. |
| Butterworth, D.S. and de Moor, C.L. A very simple implementation of the "River Model" to estimate the impact of fishing on the amount of anchovy available to West Coast penguin colonies. Marine and Coastal Management document: MCM/2010/SWG-PEL/Island Closure Task Team/10: 1–4. |
| Butterworth, D.S. and Plagányi, É.E. "River" model of the impact of pelagic fishing on predator breeding colonies on the South African West Coast. Marine and Coastal Management document: MCM/2010/SWG-PEL/Island Closure Task Team/14: 1. |
| Butterworth, D.S. and de Moor, D.L. An extension to the simple implementation of the "River Model" to estimate the impact of fishing on the amount of anchovy available to West Coast penguin colonies which takes account of within season variability in recruitment. Marine and Coastal Management document: MCM/2010/SWG-PEL/Island Closure Task Team/20: 1–12. (Also MARAM IWS/DEC10/P/BG3) |
| Butterworth, D.S. A note on the penguin feasibility study and "Alternation". Marine and Coastal Management document: MCM/2010/SWG-PEL/Island Closure Task Team/27: 1–3. |
| Butterworth, D.S., Robinson, W., Plagányi, É.E and de Moor, C.L. Response to MCM/2010/PEL/48: Suggestions for improving the penguin modeling framework developed by William Robinson, Éva Plagányi, Doug Butterworth and Carryn de Moor and expression of several concerns by outside, interested parties (Lynn Shannon, Res Altwegg, Rob Crawford, Astrid Jarre, Jessica Kemper, Jean-Paul Roux, Les Underhill, Lauren Waller, Ross Wanless). Marine and Coastal Management document: MCM/2010/SWG-PEL/50: 1–16. (Also MARAM IWS/DEC10/PA/P2) |
| Butterworth, D.S. and Geromont, H.F. An initial reality check on estimates related to black-browed albatross kills in the trawl fishery. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: Fisheries/2010/October/SWG-DEM/54c: 1–6. |
| Butterworth, D.S. and Rademeyer, R.A. Proposed amendments to "Exceptional Circumstances" rules for the OMP for the South African hake resource. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: Fisheries/2010/October/SWG-DEM/56: 1–3. |
| Butterworth, D.S. Possible approaches for incorporating flexibility in OMP outputs with comments on possible application to west coast rock lobster. International Stock Assessment Workshop document: MARAM IWS/DEC10/WCRLB/P2: 1–8. |
| Butterworth, D.S. and Robinson, W. Some comments on: "Response to MCM/2010/SWG-PEL/50: Suggestions for improving the penguin model" (Altwegg and Crawford: MARAM IWS/DEC10/PA/P8). International Stock Assessment Workshop document: MARAM IWS/DEC10/PA/P10: 1–4. |
| Butterworth, D.S. On whether to alternate between pairs of islands in the penguin feasibility study. International Stock Assessment Workshop document: MARAM IWS/DEC10/PB/P1: 1. |
| Butterworth, D.S. A note on the penguin feasibility study. International Stock Assessment Workshop document: MARAM IWS/DEC10/PB/P4: 1–2. |
| Butterworth, D.S. and Robinson, W. Some comments on "Suggestions, comments and questions on penguin–pelagic fish interaction modelling work" (Bergh and Gaylard: MARAM IWS/DEC10/P/BG2). International Stock Assessment Workshop document: MARAM IWS/DEC10/P/BG4: 1–4. |
| Butterworth, D.S. and Geromont, H.F. Generic MPs for data-poor fisheries: Southern hemisphere collaboration. International Stock Assessment Workshop document: MARAM IWS/DEC10/DPA/P1: 1–3. |
| de Moor, C.L. and Butterworth, D.S. Addendum to: How should the sardine length frequencies be weighted? Exploring alternative methods: Marine and Coastal Management document: MCM/2010/SWG-PEL/01b: 1. |
| de Moor, C.L. Upcoming MSC Low Trophic Level Fisheries Workshop. Marine and Coastal Management document: MCM/2010/SWG-PEL/02: 1. |
| de Moor, C.L. Proposed time table for the assessments of sardine and anchovy and development of OMP-12. Marine and Coastal Management document: MCM/2010/SWG-PEL/03: 1–2. |
| de Moor, C.L. and van der Lingen, C.D. The use of fish scale deposit records to inform on South African sardine and anchovy recruitment patterns. Marine and Coastal Management document: MCM/2010/SWG-PEL/06: 1–3. |
| de Moor, C.L. Adult sardine bycatch with red-eye: Marine and Coastal Management document: MCM/2010/SWG-PEL/17: 1–2. |
| de Moor, C.L. and Butterworth, D.S. Addendum to: OMP-08 (MCM/2008/SWG-PEL/23): Marine and Coastal Management document: MCM/2010/SWG-PEL/19: 1–3. |
| de Moor, C.L. Pre-assessment considerations of round herring (red eye) population dynamics: Marine and Coastal Management document: MCM/2010/SWG-PEL/21: 1–5. |
| de Moor, C.L. and Butterworth, D.S. The potential consequences of dumping juvenile anchovy and sardine: Marine and Coastal Management document: MCM/2010/SWG-PEL/29: 1–2. |
| de Moor, C.L. and Butterworth, D.S. Alternative OMP trade-off curves in response to the request by SAPFIA. : Marine and Coastal Management document: MCM/2010/SWG-PEL/30: 1–4. |
| de Moor, C.L. Final anchovy TAC and sardine TAB for 2010, using OMP-08. Marine and Coastal Management document: MCM/2010/SWG-PEL/33: 1–5. |
| de Moor, C.L. and Butterworth, D.S. Proposed sardine and anchovy stock structure and some other major assessment hypotheses. Marine and Coastal Management document: MCM/2010/SWG-PEL/37: 1–3. |
| de Moor, C.L. and Butterworth, D.S. Assessment of the South African anchovy resource using data from 1984–2009. Marine and Coastal Management document: MCM/2010/SWG-PEL/38: 1–25. |
| de Moor, C.L. and Butterworth, D.S. Initial assessment of the South African round herring (Etrumeus whiteheadi) resource using data from 1988 to 2010. Marine and Coastal Management document: MCM/2010/SWG-PEL/40: 1–16. |
| de Moor, C.L. and Butterworth, D.S. Proposed rules to determine inputs to the OMP should there be no hydro-acoustic survey result in November 2010 or May 2011. Marine and Coastal Management document: MCM/2010/SWG-PEL/42: 1–2. |
| de Moor, C.L. and Butterworth, D.S. Assessment of the South African anchovy resource using data from 1984–2009: attempts to resolve residual trends. Marine and Coastal Management document: MCM/2010/SWG-PEL/43: 1–10. |
| de Moor, C.L. and Butterworth, D.S. Further work towards the assessment of the South African round herring (Etrumeus whiteheadi) resource using data from 1987 to 2010. Marine and Coastal Management document: MCM/2010/SWG-PEL/46: 1–3. |
| de Moor, C.L. and Butterworth, D.S. Further work towards the assessment of the South African round herring (Etrumeus whiteheadi) resource using data from 1987 to 2010: Further results. Marine and Coastal Management document: MCM/2010/SWG-PEL/46b: 1–2. |
| de Moor, C.L. and Butterworth, D.S. OMP-08 recommended directed sardine TAC for 2011 for a range of November 2010 survey estimates of abundance. Marine and Coastal Management document: MCM/2010/SWG-PEL/52: 1. |
| de Moor, C.L. Directed sardine and initial anchovy TACs and sardine TAB for 2011. Using OMP-08. Marine and Coastal Management document: MCM/2010/SWG-PEL/62: 1–4. |
| de Moor, C.L. and Butterworth, D.S. Catch to natural predation ratios for sardine and anchovy. Marine and Coastal Management document: MCM/2010/SWG-PEL/Island Closure Task Team/15: 1–5. |
| de Moor, C.L. and Rademeyer, R.A. Progress in checking the code used to condition the operating models for the South African hake resource to be used in OMP-2010 testing. Marine and Coastal Management document: MCM/2010/APR/SWG-DEM/16: 1–19. |
| de Moor, C.L. Schedules for developing and implementing OMP revisions for major South African fisheries. Marine and Coastal Management document: MCM/2010/MAY/SWG-DEM/26: 1–2. (Also MCM/2010/SWG-PEL/31:1–2) |
| de Moor, C.L. and Butterworth, D.S. Items to be considered in the development of an updated management procedure for the South African pelagic fishery (OMP-12). International Stock Assessment Workshop document: MARAM IWS/DEC10/S/P1: 1–13. |
| Durholtz, D., de Moor, C.L. and Geja, Y. Examination of redeye roundherring size and age data – towards developing a growth curve for the redeye stock assessment. Marine and Coastal Management document: MCM/2010/SWG-PEL/49: 1–10. |
| Furman, L. and Johnston, S. CTRM program redevelopment: Interim summary report: Marine and Coastal Management document: MCM/2010/FEB/SWG-DEM/04: 1–2. |
| Furman, L.B. and Butterworth, D.S. Testing time-varying selectivity models of the South Coast rock lobster with data generated by a model with spatial structure. International Stock Assessment Workshop document: MARAM IWS/DEC10/MISC/P2 (revised): 1–23. |
| Geromont, H.F. and Butterworth, D.S. Initial investigation of generic management procedures for data-poor fisheries. International Stock Assessment Workshop document: MARAM IWS/DEC10/DPA/P2: 1–41. |
| Glazer, J.P. and Butterworth, D.S. An updated analysis of the jig catch and effort data: Marine and Coastal Management document: MCM/2010/MARCH/SWG-SQ/2: 1–3. |
| Glazer, J.P. and Butterworth, D.S. Preliminary results from an updated assessment of the squid resource: Marine and Coastal Management document: MCM/2010/APR/SWG-SQ/08: 1–21. |
| Glazer, J.P. and Butterworth, D.S. Updated results from a Bayesian analysis of the squid resource Loligo reynaudii. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: Fisheries/2010/AUG/SWG-SQ/12: 1–12. |
| Johnston, S.J. Creating catch length frequencies for the Tristan group of islands using factory pack category data. Document MARAM/Tristan/2010/Feb/01: 1–11. |
| Johnston, S.J. Data and model assumptions for an age structured production model of the Tristan lobster fishery: Document MARAM/Tristan/2010/Feb/02: 1–20. |
| Johnston, S.J. Application of an age-structured production model to assess the rock lobster populations at the Tristan group of islands: Document MARAM/Tristan/2010/Mar/03: 1–17. |
| Johnston, S.J., Brandão, A. and Butterworth, D.S. GLMM- and GLM-standardised lobster CPUE from the Tristan da Cunha group of islands for the 1997–2008 period: Document MARAM/Tristan/2010/May/04: 1–16. |
| Johnston, S.J. and Butterworth, D.S. 2010 Estimates of sustainable rock lobster yield for the four islands of the Tristan da Cunha group: Document MARAM/Tristan/2010/May/05. |
| Johnston, S.J., Brandão, A. and Butterworth, D.S. Variants of GLM-standardised lobster CPUE for Tristan da Cunha for the 1997–2009 period. MARAM/Tristan/2010/Sep/06: 1–6. |
| Johnston, S.J. Nominal powerboat CPUE for the three outer islands of the Tristan da Cunha group of islands for the 1997–2008 period. Document MARAM/Tristan/2010/Sep/07: 1–5. |
| Johnston, S.J. and Butterworth, D.S. Updated South Coast rock lobster stock assessments for 2010 and comparisons to the 2008 and 2009 assessments: Marine and Coastal Management document: MCM/2010/APR/SWG-SCRL/04: 1–24. |
| Johnston, S.J. and Butterworth, D.S. Implications to existing OMP of the 2010 updated assessments of the South Coast rock lobster resource: Marine and Coastal Management document: MCM/2010/APR/SWG-SCRL/05: 1–7. |
| Johnston, S.J. and Butterworth, D.S. Further updated South Coast rock lobster stock assessments for 2010 and comparisons to the 2008 and 2009 assessments: marine and Coastal Management document: MCM/2010/MAY/SWG-SCRL/08: 1–35. |
| Johnston, S.J. and Butterworth, D.S. Addendum to MCM/2010/MAY/SWG-SCRL/08. New Model 3 assessment results and CC projections. Marine and Coastal Management document: MCM/2010/MAY/SWG-SCRL/09Add: 1–3. |
| Johnston, S.J. and Butterworth, D.S. Final 2010 operating models for South Coast rock lobster assessment update. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: Fisheries/2010/JUL/SWG-SCRL/11: 1–11. |
| Johnston, S.J. and Butterworth, D.S. Re-tuning of OMP-2008 using updated 2010 operating models for the South Coast rock lobster resource to provide OMP-2010. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: Fisheries/2010/AUG/SWG-SCRL/12: 1–15. |
| Johnston, S.J. and Butterworth, D.S. Recommended TAC 2010 for the South Coast rock lobster resource using re-tuned OMP 2010. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: Fisheries/2010/JUL/SWG-SCRL/13: 1–5. |
| Johnston, S.J., Butterworth, D.S. and Glazer, J.P. OMP 2007 re-cast to be used for setting TACs for the West Coast rock lobster fishery for the 2008+ seasons. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: Fisheries/2010/AUG/SWG-WCRL/13: 1–62. (Also MARAM/IWS/DEC10/WCRLB/P1) |
| Johnston, S.J. Input data required for the implementation of the 2010 OMP for West Coast rock lobster. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: Fisheries/2010/AUG/SWG-WCRL/15: 1. |
| Johnston, S.J. Input data required for updating the operating models for West Coast rock lobster: DAFF Branch Fisheries document: Fisheries/2010/AUG/SWG-WCRL/16: 1–4. |
| Johnston, S.J. and Butterworth, D.S. Rock lobster scientific working group agreed recreational catch estimates. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: Fisheries/2010/AUG/SWG-WCRL/19: 1–5. |
| Johnston, S.J., Butterworth, D.S. and van Zyl, D. Comparisons between OMP TACs and allocations, and actual catches and takes, for the West Coast rock lobster rishery. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: Fisheries/2010/AUG/SWG-WCRL/20: 1–6. |
| Johnston, S.J., Butterworth, D.S. and Glazer, J.P. TAC 2010 for West Coast rock lobster using OMP 2007 re-cast. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: Fisheries/2010/AUG/SWG-WCRL/21: 1–15. |
| Johnston, S.J. and Butterworth, D.S. Underlying assumptions for the area-disaggregated stock assessment of west coast rock lobster. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: Fisheries/2010/AUG/SWG-WCRL/22: 1–7. |
| Johnston, S.J. and Butterworth, D.S. The size-structured (length-based) stock assessment methodology applied to west coast rock lobster. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: Fisheries/2010/AUG/SWG-WCRL/23: 1–17. |
| Johnston, S.J. 2007 International Stock Assessment Workshop recommendations relating to west coast rock lobster data and operating models. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: Fisheries/2010/AUG/SWG-WCRL/24: 1–4. |
| Johnston, S.J. Further developments of the operating models for West Coast rock lobster. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: Fisheries/2010/AUG/SWG-WCRL/28: 1–7. |
| Johnston, S.J. and Butterworth, D.S. Super-areal split of catches from each of the different sectors for the last four seasons of the west coast rock lobster fishery. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: Fisheries/2010/Oct/SWG-WCRL/33: 1–3. |
| Johnston, S.J. and Butterworth, D.S. Task Group report on West coast rock lobster interim relief. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: Fisheries/2010/Oct/SWG-WCRL/34: 1. |
| Johnston, S.J. and Butterworth, D.S. On possible flexibility for interim relief allocations amongst super-areas for the 2010/2011 season. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: Fisheries/2010/Oct/SWG-WCRL/35: 1–6. |
| Johnston, S.J. 2007 International Stock Assessment Workshop recommendations relating to west coast rock lobster data and operating models. International Stock Assessment Workshop document: MARAM IWS/DEC10/WCRLA/P1: 1–5. |
| Johnston, S.J. and Butterworth, D.S. The size-structured (length-based) stock assessment methodology applied to west coast rock lobster. International Stock Assessment Workshop document: MARAM IWS/DEC10/WCRLA/P2: 1–15. |
| Johnston, S.J. and Butterworth, D.S. West coast rock lobster 2010 updated assessments. International Stock Assessment Workshop document: MARAM IWS/DEC10/WCRLA/P3 (revised): 1–33. |
| Johnston, S.J and Butterworth, D.S. Retrospective analyses. International Stock Assessment Workshop document: MARAM IWS/DEC10/WCRLA/P4 (revised): 1–7. |
| Johnston, S.J. and Butterworth, D.S. West coast rock lobster reference set and initial set of robustness tests. International Stock Assessment Workshop document: MARAM IWS/DEC10/WCRLA/P5: 1–3. |
| Johnston, S.J. and Butterworth, D.S. Key issues for west coast rock lobster to be discussed at International Workshop. International Stock Assessment Workshop document: MARAM IWS/DEC10/WCRLA/P6 (revised): 1. |
| Johnston, S.J. and Butterworth, D.S. Current and past OMPs for west coast rock lobster – what are appropriate management targets? International Stock Assessment Workshop document: MARAM IWS/DEC10/WCRLB/P3: 1–10. |
| Johnston, S.J. and Butterworth, D.S. Key issues for west coast rock lobster to be discussed at International Workshop. International Stock Assessment Workshop document: MARAM IWS/DEC10/WCRLB/P4: 1. |
| Johnston, S.J. and Butterworth, D.S. Evolution of operational management procedures for the South African west coast rock lobster (Jasus lalandii) fishery. NZ Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research, 2005, Vol.39:687–702. International Stock Assessment Workshop document: MARAM IWS/DEC10/WCRLB/BG1: 1–15. |
| Johnston, S.J. Further west coast rock lobster assessment output plots. International Stock Assessment Workshop document: MARAM IWS/DEC10/WCRL/WP3: 1–12. |
| Johnston, S.J. Further outputs for a re-look at the "original" model fits for Area 5+6 and some further plots of combined resource estimates. International Stock Assessment Workshop document: MARAM IWS/DEC10/WCRL/WP4: 1–8. |
| Müller, A. and Butterworth, D.S. Prior incoherence within a Bayesian assessment of the Southern Hemisphere humpback whale breeding stock B population. International Stock Assessment Workshop document: MARAM IWS/DEC10/MISC/P1: 1–4. |
| Müller, A., Butterworth, D.S. and Johnston, S.J. Preliminary results from an assessment of the South African P. delagoae rock lobster resource to investigate the recovery of the resource between two periods of experimental trap-fishing. Branch Fisheries document, Fisheries/2010/OCT/SWG-WCRL/29. |
| Rademeyer, R.A. and Butterworth, D.S. Proposed reference set for the South African hake resource to be used in OMP-2010 testing: Marine and Coastal Management document: MCM/2010/FEB/SWG-DEM/05: 1–68. |
| Rademeyer, R.A. and Butterworth, D.S. A note on the sensitivity of hake assessments to the choice of the central year for the shift from a primarily M. Capensis to primarily M. Paradoxus fishery: Marine and Coastal Management document: MCM/2010/FEB/SWG-DEM/10: 1–4. |
| Rademeyer, R.A. and Butterworth, D.S. Some insights into the selection of the central shift year from M. capensis to M. paradoxus dominance in the assessment of the hake resource: Marine and Coastal Management document: MCM/2010/APR/SWG-DEM/17: 1–3. |
| Rademeyer, R.A. and Butterworth, D.S. Candidate management procedures for the South African hake resource: Draft objectives and testing methodology: Marine and Coastal Management document: MCM/2010/MAY/SWG-DEM/22(Rev): 1–10. |
| Rademeyer, R.A. and Butterworth, D.S. Projections for the South African hake resource for the 2010 reference set of operating models under a constant catch equal to the current TAC: Marine and Coastal Management document: MCM/2010/MAY/SWG-DEM/24: 1–8. |
| Rademeyer, R.A. and Butterworth, D.S. Conditioning of the full set of robustness tests for the South African hake resource to be used in OMP-2010 testing and constant catch projections. Marine and Coastal Management document: MCM/2010/JUNE/SWG-DEM/31: 1–11. (Also MARAM IWS/DEC10/H/P1) |
| Rademeyer, R.A. and Butterworth, D.S. Projections for the South African hake resource for the 2010 reference set of operating models under constant catch strategies. Marine and Coastal Management document: MCM/2010/JUNE/SWG-DEM/32: 1–23. |
| Rademeyer, R.A. and Butterworth, D.S. Progress on the development of a revised operational management procedure (OMP) for the South African hake resource. Marine and Coastal Management document: MCM/2010/JULY/SWG-DEM/33: 1–24. |
| Rademeyer, R.A. and Butterworth, D.S. Further candidate management procedure testing for the South African hake resource. Marine and Coastal Management document: MCM/2010/JULY/SWG-DEM/37: 1–19. |
| Rademeyer, R.A. and Butterworth, D.S. A simple indication of the scientific implications of switching some of the longline hake allocation to offshore. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: Fisheries/2010/AUGUST/SWG-DEM/42: 1–2. |
| Rademeyer, R.A. and Butterworth, D.S. And yet further candidate management procedure testing for the South African hake resource. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: Fisheries/2010/AUGUST/SWG-DEM/43: 1–19. |
| Rademeyer, R.A. and Butterworth, D.S. The effect of a cap on the TAC and restricting the 3-yr maximum decline in the TAC in candidate management procedure testing for the South African hake resource. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: Fisheries/2010/OCTOBER/SWG-DEM/49: 1–5. |
| Rademeyer, R.A. and Butterworth, D.S. The effect of a cap on the TAC and restricting the 3-yr maximum decline in the TAC in candidate management procedure testing for the South African hake resource. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: Fisheries/2010/OCTOBER/SWG-DEM/49b: 1–5. |
| Rademeyer, R.A. and Butterworth, D.S. The effect of a cap on the TAC and restricting the 3-yr maximum decline in the TAC in candidate management procedure testing for the South African hake resource. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: Fisheries/2010/October/SWG-DEM/52: 1–5. |
| Rademeyer, R.A. and Butterworth, D.S. Final set of candidate management procedures for the South African hake resource. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: Fisheries/2010/October/SWG-DEM/53: 1–26. |
| Rademeyer, R.A. Data to be used as input to the 2010 OMP for the South African hake resource for the computation of the 2011 TAC. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: Fisheries/2010/October/SWG-DEM/53b: 1–2. |
| Rademeyer, R.A. and Glazer, J.P. The 2006 Operational Management Procedure for the South African Merluccius paradoxus and M. capensis resources. Marine and Coastal Management document: 2007:WG-DEM:H:01: 1–18. |
| Rademeyer, R.A., Fairweather, T., Glazer, J.P., Leslie, R.L. and Butterworth, D.S. The 2010 Operational Management Procedure for the South African Merluccius paradoxus and M. capensis resources. DAFF Branch Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2010/OCT/SWG-DEM/59: 1–36. (Also MARAM IWS/DEC10/H/P2) |
| Rademeyer, R.A. and Butterworth, D.S. Implications of the impacts on CPUE as a result of the introduction of MPAs on hake OMP performance. International Stock Assessment Workshop document: MARAM IWS/DEC10/H/P3: 1–6. |
| Robinson, W. and Butterworth, D.S. Robben Island penguin survival rates from Bayesian analysis. Marine and Coastal Management document: MCM/2010/SWG-PEL/07: 1–3. |
| Robinson, W. and Butterworth, D.S. Further comments on Robben Island penguin Bayesian analysis. Marine and Coastal Management document: MCM/2010/SWG-PEL/22: 1–4. |
| Robinson, W. Summary of 2008 penguin modelling. Marine and Coastal Management document: MCM/2010/SWG-PEL/28: 1–2. |
| Robinson, W., Plagányi, É.E., Butteworth, D.S. and de Moor, C.L. Summary of penguin-pelagic fish interaction modelling during 2008. Marine and Coastal Management document: MCM/2010/SWG-PEL/35: 1–45. (Also MARAM IWS/DEC10/PA/P1:1–42) |
| Robinson, W. and Butterworth, D.S. Penguin survival estimates from tag data using a multinomial likelihood. Marine and Coastal Management document: MCM/2010/SWG-PEL/53: 1–11. (Also MARAM IWS/DEC10/PA/P3) |
| Robinson, W. and Butterworth, D.S. Data inputs for the African penguin population model. Marine and Coastal Management document: MCM/2010/SWG-PEL/54: 1–7. (Also MARAM IWS/DEC10/PA/P4) |
| Robinson, W. and Butterworth, D.S. A proposed new method for obtaining penguin moult count estimates. Marine and Coastal Management document: MCM/2010/SWG-PEL/Island Closure Task Team/05: 1–13. (Also MARAM IWS/DEC10/P/BG1) |
| Robinson, W. and Butterworth, D.S. GLMs relating penguin demographics to pelagic catches close to islands and to pelagic abundance. Marine and Coastal Management document: MCM/2010/SWG-PEL/Island Closure Task Team/19: 1–14. (Also MARAM IWS/DEC10/PB/P3) |
| Robinson, W. and Butterworth, D.S. Penguin population models for Robben Island. International Stock Assessment Workshop document: MARAM IWS/DEC10/PA/P6: 1–17. |
| Robinson, W. and Butterworth, D.S. Checking the penguin population model estimator for bias. International Stock Assessment Workshop document: MARAM IWS/DEC10/PA/P7: 1–4. |
| Robinson, W. and Butterworth, D.S. Robustness of the penguin population model estimator. International Stock Assessment Workshop document: MARAM IWS/DEC10/PA/P11: 1–9. |
| Robinson, W. Penguin nest counts. International Stock Assessment Workshop document: MARAM IWS/DEC10/P/WP1: 1–2. |
| van Zyl, D. and Johnston, S.J. Interim relief phase IV (2009/2010 season). DAFF Branch Fisheries document: Fisheries/2010/AUG/SWG-WCRL/18: 1–2. |
| van Zyl, D. and Johnston, S.J. Interim relief phase 1 (2006/2007 season). DAFF Branch Fisheries document: Fisheries/2010/OCT/SWG-WCRL/32: 1–2. |